Cover: Drawing of a proa on a wave. Transition Planning Workbook for students with special needs preparing to become adults Blank line for Name Hawaii MCH LEND Program Maternal & Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 2 How to Use This Workbook…………………………………………………….. 2 What is Transition? …………………………………….……………………….. 2 Why is Transition Planning Needed?......................................2 5 Tips for Having a Successful Transition to Life After High School………..3 Personal Profile…………………………………………………………………...4-6 Relationship Mapping…………………………………………………………….7-8 Roles & Responsibilities of IEP Transition Planning Team………………… 9-11 Ten Areas of Transition Need…………………………………………………...12 Notes……………………………………………………………………………… 13 Health Care Transition……………………………………………………………14 Health Care Transition…………………………………………………………... 14 Beyond High School.....................................................14 Health Care Information & Skills……………………………………………….. 14-15 Health Coverage Information…………………………………………………… 15 Medical Summary………………………………………………………………... 16-17 Educational Transition……………………………………………………………18 Beginning the Educational Transition Process……………………………….. 18 Definition of Transition……………………………………………………………18 Transition Process……………………………………………………………….. 18-19 Tips for You………………………………………..……………………………… 20 IEP Transition Planning…………………………………………………………. .20 Employment Assistance…………………………………………………………..20 Transition Planning & Assistive Technology………….………………………..21 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade Worksheets....22-26 Things to Know…………………………………………………………………… 27-28 Transition Plan……………………………………..………………………………29 Map/Timeline of Things To Do………………………………………………….. 29-30 Notes…………………………………………………………………………….… 31 Resources………………………………………………………………………… 32 National Resources................................................... 32 Basic Facts about the Americans with Disabilities Act………………………. 33-34 Summary of Legislation…………………………………………………………. 35-37 Notes…………………………………………………………………………….….38 Community Resources…………………………………………………………... 39 Directory…………………………………………………………………………….39-44 Contact Log……………………………………………………………………….. 45 Notes………………………………………………………………………………. 46 Page 2 Introduction Hafa Adai! Welcome to your future! As you graduate from high school and become an adult, things will be different. Life after high school requires you to take more responsibility for what happens to you. You will have the opportunity to make decisions, but with decisions come responsibilities. There are some very important things you need to be aware of. This workbook will help you think about some of these things and help you plan for your future. Know that you are not alone! There are many supports available to help you through each step along the way. How to Use This Workbook This workbook is divided into different sections related to your life after high school. Each section works on an area of planning that needs to be addressed as an adult— health care and education. Everyone’s future is different. Use the sections that are most helpful to you. It will be helpful to discuss certain sections of this workbook with your team. Your team includes you and may include parents, family and professionals, such as doctors, nurses, school IEP team, and/or vocational rehabilitation counselors, who will help you with your care. For your success, it is important for your parent(s) and/or caregiver(s) to be involved and supportive. There is room at the end for you to make notes. Lastly, a directory of resources is provided at the end of this workbook. What is Transition? Transition is a process of change. For the purpose of your transition, we are talking about all the things you need to do to plan and prepare for the changes that will take place after you graduate from high school. This may mean schooling or training after high school, employment and/or simply how to live an independent life! Why is Transition Planning Needed? Transition planning is needed to plan for your life after high school. Transitioning is an on-going process and needs some planning and preparation. Your transitions should be successful and celebrated! This workbook focuses on your transition into adulthood. This workbook will help you with planning and making this transition in your life easier to manage. Page 3 5 TIPS FOR HAVING A SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION TO LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL 1. Start as early as possible. Dream and plan your future! 2. Find out what services are available. Ask questions to get what you need. 3. Work together with your team: family, teachers, and adult service providers to find out what school and community opportunities are available and how to develop a plan for your future. Use the IEP process for transition planning. 4. Create a support team that should include your family, friends, and others in the community. Since transitioning to adult life can be a challenge, use your support system to help you. 5. To have a successful transition: use your support team to help you… Bullet list in box: * Have real-life experiences, such as working while in high school. * Build your independence. * Identify your likes and dislikes. * Identify your interests and talents. * Build your strengths. * Understand and share about your disability. * Use assistive technology. * Know the resources in your community. * Get involved in community events. * Practice social skills. * Practice self-advocacy. * Build leadership skills. * See failure as a learning opportunity. * Never stop learning. Look for opportunities to learn. * Build a life for yourself! Pages 4-6 Questionnaire forms needing answers. Personal Profile: (Write in your name) (Think about an answer for the following questions.) Who Am I * What do I like to do? With whom? Answer: * Where do I like to go? With whom? Answer: * Describe myself with 5 to 10 words. Answer: * What are my strengths and contributions to my family and community? Answer: Page 5 Personal Profile: (Write in Name) (Think about an answer for the following questions.) How I See My Future * Where do I want to live? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: * Where do I want to work? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: * How will I get to work and around the island? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: * What do I want to do in my free time? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: * Who will be my friends? Who are my friends today? Will they still be my friends after high school? How do I feel about making new friends? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: * Do I want to continue going to school (college) after high school? Will I need support? What kind of support? Answer: Page 6 Personal Profile: (Write in Name) An important decision you will make as a person with a disability is whether or not to tell someone about your disability. After high school, you are no longer ENTITLED to services and supports. You may become ELIGIBLE for adult services and supports based on your particular situation, your disability, and your ability to disclose, or tell, necessary information. In order to understand yourself better, begin to identify some of the accommodations you may need after high school. Fill in the blanks about your disability. My disability is (blank). Describe challenges with your disability: I have difficulty with (blank). Describe how your disability affects your learning: When I’m trying to learn something, I have a hard time with (blank). Describe the accommodations you need: I know I can do well if I can have or use (blank). Source: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth. (2005). The 411 on disability disclosure workbook. Washington, DC: Institute for Educational Leadership. Page 7 RELATIONSHIP MAPPING Why is your support so important? This diagram shows you your circle of support. Because supports are so important to help you reach your goals. Image: Diagram of four circles layered within each other Directions: Write your name in the center. Write the names of the people who are closest to you in the circle closest to your name. These are the people who you want to spend the most time with, such as family, friends, caregivers, neighbors, service providers, etc. In the next circle, write the names of people who you want to spend some time with, but not as much as those in the first circle. Write the names of people in the next circle who are people you like and are helpful, but are not close to you. Lastly, write the names of people, organizations, and agencies in the community who are helpful to you on the outside of the largest circle. SAMPLE: 1. Center: Your name 2. Second circle: List Family, Parent/Guardian, Teachers, Friends, Neighbor 3. Third circle: List Volunteer Group, Counselor, Para Educator 4. Fourth circle: List School Staff, Therapist, Community Service Providers, Social Worker, Doctor, Transition Coordinator. 5. Outside the diagram: Village, Church, College, & DVR Page 8 RELATIONSHIP MAPPING Directions: Write your name in the center. Write the names of the people who are closest to you in the circle closest to your name. These are the people who you want to spend the most time with, such as family, friends, caregivers, neighbors, service providers, etc. In the next circle, write the names of people who you want to spend some time with, but not as much as those in the first circle. Write the names of people in the next circle who are people you like and are helpful, but are not close to you. Lastly, write the names of people, organizations, and agencies in the community who are helpful to you on the outside of the largest circle. This diagram shows you your circle of support. Image: Blank diagram of four circles layered within each other Page 9 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR TRANSITION PLANNING TEAM Your role as a student is to: 1. Inform the IEP team of future adult goals. 2. Share successes and accomplishments. 3. Determine strengths and challenges and communicate this information to the IEP team. 4. Express a desire for certain program components, if needed. 5. Share information about preferences and interests. 6. Work together with the IEP team in the decision-making process. 7. Don’t just attend the IEP meeting! Talk, interact and speak out. 8. Have the teacher assist in the “Self-Directed IEP”. The role of your Family Members is to: 1. Share your personal traits, likes and dislikes, abilities and strategies that work. 2. Be a role model to you. Let you know you can become as independent as you want. Give chores around the house, focus on grooming, physical fitness, and good social and communication skills. 3. Be your “case manager”. Make sure that the goals on the transition plan are being fully met. Most likely, your parent will have to work with many different people and agencies to get the adult services and supports that you need. 4. Encourage job and career exploration at school and at home. Find out more about summer jobs, and other programs in the school or community. 5. Work for more and better supports. You and your parent must keep working with the school, service providers, employers and policy makers to create more choices for students with disabilities. 6. Help you participate in the IEP meetings by identifying accomplishments, goals, dreams, and practice introducing everyone, etc… 7. Support providing transition services in various community settings to build a variety of experiences. Source: South Dakota Transition Services Liaison Project. (2006). Cornerstones to effective transition planning...student and parent involvement: For youth with disabilities and their families. Pierre, SD: Author. Page 10 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR TRANSITION PLANNING TEAM- continued The role of your teachers is to: 1. Encourage and assist you to be active, prepared members of their team. 2. Connect you with courses and activities that will help to meet your goals and meet requirements for graduation. 3. Ensure that your IEP goals are implemented. 4. Focus on things that you can do. Talk about your interests, skills, and experiences. 5. Celebrate accomplishments before discussing needs. 6. At IEP meetings, speak directly to you, not about you, and ask questions to encourage your participation. 7. Monitor and collaborate regularly with your family on the status of your transition IEP services. 8. Encourage you to explore various areas of interests and provide opportunities for real-life learning activities. 9. Help you to understand your disability as well as other types of disabilities. 10. Be patient, caring, and sincere about your well-being. 11. Integrate problem solving and self-advocacy skills into your curriculum. The role of school personnel is to: 1. Encourage your family to plan optimistically for your future, starting in elementary grades. 2. Inform you and your family about the transition planning process. 3. Talk about the planning process by discussing the meeting’s purpose, describing what goes on and who typically attends, and identifying the role each person will play in supporting your goals! 4. Assist you and your family in understanding appropriate accommodations and resources for daily living. 5. Help you to experiment with assistive technology and how it can help to increase interdependence and participation in life-enhancing activities. 6. Coordinate the planning process. 7. Involve the direct and indirect instructional services as designed by the IEP team. 8. Involve you and your family in the design and implementation of the transition-focused IEP. 9. Encourage your family to help you to be an advocate (with plenty of practice in making and following through on choices and decisions). 10. Discuss the differences between accommodations and modifications. 11. Discuss self-disclosure after high school Source: South Dakota Transition Services Liaison Project. (2006). Cornerstones to effective transition planning...student and parent involvement: For youth with disabilities and their families. Pierre, SD: Author. Page 11 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR TRANSITION PLANNING TEAM- continued Questions for Secondary (High School) Personnel: * What will your Individualized Education Program (IEP) Transition Plan include? o What are your career and vocational objectives? o What types of transition and vocational assessments will be used to identify your interests and strengths? o What vocational or technical classes should be included? o What are your healthcare goals and objectives? o Is there an objective on recreation activities? o Will you participate in job or career training? o Which social skills does the IEP team think you should work on? o Will you be taught functional math and reading? o What functional activities contribute to your independence? Text in box: Adult Services Agencies • Assist you in accessing services in the community. • Provide you with information on current labor trends and potential job markets. • Offer programs and services to assist in vocational training, job placement, and living alternatives. • Together with you and your family, follow-up on your transition plan after graduation. • Educate your IEP team about support alternatives in the local community. • Assist you in identifying goals and accessing resources for health care, peer support, employment and educational opportunities, self-advocacy, personal safety and individual rights. Questions you should ask about Post-Secondary/Vocational Training or Education Programs: * What training programs are offered? * What is the length and cost of the programs? * What are the entry requirements for this program? * How long will it take before you can start the program? * What support services are available to you? * How and where can financial assistance be obtained? * Who is the contact person for each program? What is the application procedure? * What kind of specific vocational training is the school going to pay for? * How do you qualify? * Does the program provide assistance in locating a job? Questions you should ask Adult Services Agencies: * What programs and services are offered by the agency? * What types of disabilities does the agency serve? * How does the agency determine eligibility? * What services would the agency provide you? What is the cost? Can financial assistance be obtained and, if so, who is the contact? Source: South Dakota Transition Services Liaison Project. (2006). Cornerstones to effective transition planning...student and parent involvement: For youth with disabilities and their families. Pierre, SD: Author. Page 12 TEN AREAS OF TRANSITION NEED When planning for the transition from high school to adulthood, consider these ten life skill areas. 1. SELF ADVOCACY / SELF DETERMINATION EXAMPLES: Explaining your needs and strengths in the workplace or school. Requesting needed accommodations. Getting advocacy or legal support when needed. Learning about Assistive Technology (AT). 2. ACADEMIC / LIFE LONG LEARNING EXAMPLES: Taking classes at a university or community college, trade school, or on the job training. Going to community workshops, such as gardening, parenting classes, home repair. Using community resources such as the library 3. DAILY LIVING EXAMPLES: Cooking meals, using washers/dryers, using home cleaning equipment. 4. HEALTH / PHYSICAL CARE EXAMPLES: Personal cleanliness, such as bathing, washing hair, using deodorant. Dental care, making doctor appointments, learning CPR. Sex education. Mental health screenings. Learn how to communicate heath care needs. 5. LEISURE ACTIVITIES EXAMPLES: Joining a sports team or club, pursuing a hobby, making dates for movies with friends, going out to eat, exercising, and attending community events. 6. MOBILITY EXAMPLES: Getting a driver’s license, how to ride the para-transit system, reading a map. 7. MONEY MANAGEMENT EXAMPLES: How to open and manage a checking account, what credit cards mean, how to get a bank loan, how to budget. 8. SOCIAL SKILLS EXAMPLES: Speaking and greeting others, appropriate behavior at work/school and with friends. Good manners in restaurants, going out on a date, relationships with the opposite sex. 9. WORKPLACE READINESS EXAMPLES: Managing workplace stresses, dealing with authority, going to a job interview, time management and work ethic. Understanding harassment and violence in the workplace. 10. OCCUPATIONAL SPECIFIC SKILLS EXAMPLES: Learning the functions of tools needed for the job, finding a mentor, practice job skills after work, such as computer skills, cooking skills. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 13 NOTES (Page with lines for personal notes.) Page 14 Health Care Transition Your health is one of the most precious things in life. You play a big part in taking good care of your health along with your parent(s) and/or caregiver(s). As you get older, you may need to plan for your own health and/or dental coverage and decide on doctors to manage your care. Health Care Transition Health care transition is the need to change from a pediatrician to a doctor who cares for adults. A pediatrician provides medical care for young children up to a certain age. Doctors who see adults are called family physicians and internists. Family physicians provide comprehensive health care for children and adults. Internists care for adults who have long-term illnesses, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Beyond High School You should think about your future after high school. If you have special health care needs there may be some extra steps you need to take. The most important thing to your future is staying healthy. You can’t work or go to school if you’re not healthy. It is important to remember your health care as you think about your future plans. Sit down with your family to talk about these issues. Health Care Information and Skills to Know You’ll find that you can be at your best physically, mentally, and emotionally when you are in charge of your health. Listed below are important and useful health care skills. Check (checkbox image) the skills that you already know about or have done. The ones left unchecked are things to consider in the future. * Your medical condition(s) and/or disability(ies). * Your family medical history. * Your current height and weight. * Your blood type. * Your allergies, if any. * Follow your doctor’s prescribed care. * How often to see your doctor and dentist for physical exams and follow-ups. * Prepare questions about your health for each doctor’s visit. * Ask your doctor for suggestions or referrals for continuing care. * Get copies of your medical records from your pediatrician as you transition to an adult doctor. Page 15 Health Care Information and Skills to Know (continued) * Prepare a medical summary in case of an emergency (see page 16, Medical Summary). * Who to call in case of an emergency. * Get a medical identification bracelet to notify emergency responders of your medical condition(s). * When to go to a clinic and when to go to the hospital for care. * Medication management: what you are taking, what they are for, what the side effects are, and when and how to get refills. * Where to go for therapy/counseling, as needed. * Things to do to stay healthy, such as eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and managing stress. * Know about the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that keeps your medical information private. Health Coverage Information to Know and Consider In addition to learning health care skills, it is also helpful to know about health coverage. There are many options to explore. It is good to think about what would be best for you. * The name(s) and type(s) of health insurance you have. * Whose health insurance plan you are under. * When your health insurance coverage will end. * What to do if you lose your coverage. * What other health insurances/programs are available. o Your employer’s health insurance options. * How to apply for health insurance. o An authorized representative with a medical power of attorney to apply on your behalf for health insurance. * Information about your health coverage. o Medical services covered. o Out-of-pocket expenses (co-payment, services not covered, deductibles). * How to plan for payment of your medical bills. * Tip: Always carry your insurance card in case of an emergency or to present at your medical visits. Source: Got Transition. (2011). Transition readiness changing roles for youth. Concord, NH: National Health Care Transition Center. Page 16 Fill in Form: MEDICAL SUMMARY Name: Date: Date of Birth: Mailing Address: Contact Numbers: Home, work, Cell Emergency Contact: Relationship: Phone: Attorney-in-Fact/Adult Guardian: Relationship: Phone: About My Disability: Assistive Technology: Primary Insurance, Policy Number, Phone: Secondary Insurance, Policy Number, Phone: Blood Type: Allergies to Medications: Allergies to Food: Height: Weight: Dietary/Nutritional Needs: MEDICAL INFORMATION: Provider, Specialty, Address, Phone: Diagnosis, Problem List: Page 17 MEDICAL SUMMARY (continued) List Medication, Dose, How Often, Pharmacy, Phone: List Therapy, Provider, Frequency, Phone: List Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Provider, Phone: List Orthotics & Prosthetics, Provider, Physician: List Past Hospitalizations (including surgeries), Date, Hospital, Reason, Physician List Present Services, Provider, Phone: Immunizations: Make sure your Immunization Record is up to date. Bring your record with you to each medical appointment. *See Immunization Record* Page 18 Education Transition Beginning the Educational Transition Process One of the things you and your parents may be thinking about is what you’ll do after you get out of high school. If you have Special Education services in school, planning for your future after high school should begin when you turn 14 or earlier if your IEP team thinks it is good for you to begin sooner. Boxed text: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) Definition of Transition (34 CFR ง300.43) A coordinated set of activities designed within a results-oriented process that is – * focused on improving the academic and functional performance of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities including postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment) continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation * based on student’s needs and taking into account his or her preferences and interests; and * includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post school adult living objectives and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. Transition Process Making transition plans starting when you’re 14 will help your IEP team get you ready to go to college, find a job, or improve your day to day living. Your transition plan should focus on any supports you may have or need to help you carry out your future plans. It should also include any needs for activities during or after high school, such as work experiences, college or trade schools, daily living skills, sports, recreation, and many other things for post high school living. In order for transition planning to be successful it should be meaningful to your vision and goals. Page 19 During the transition process, several things will happen such as: * Completing a vocational or other transition assessment before the age 16. Beginning at age 14 and updated annually thereafter, your IEP must include a “statement of transition service needs"; Beginning no later than the first IEP at age 16, or younger if deemed appropriate by the IEP Team, your IEP must include “appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments relating to training, education, employment, and, where appropriate, independent living skills.” Source: 20 U.S.C. 1414(d)(1)(A)(i)(VIII)(aa)-(bb); 34 CFR 300.320(b)(1)-(2) o Reviewing the transition-related progress at least once a year o Using this information to adjust and refine your transition employment goals * Setting long-range, measurable postsecondary goals, based on age-appropriate assessments, in: o employment o post-secondary education and/or training o independent living (when appropriate) * Deciding courses of study and programs to support post-secondary goals * Deciding transition services and activities to support post-secondary goals * Setting one annual goal to support post-secondary goals * Including in your IEP: instruction; related services; community experiences; the creation of employment and other post-school adult living objectives and, when appropriate: acquiring daily living skills; and functional vocational evaluation With your parents’ consent, or your consent if you are at least 18 years old, individuals that may pay or provide services to you when you exit the DOE system will be invited to your transition meetings. Some of these individuals will come from: * Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) (a program that provides services to help individuals with a physical or mental impairment to prepare for, enter, engage in, or regain gainful employment) DVR must determine eligibility within 60 days, inform you of process and reasons for decisions made, allow you to participate in developing an Individualized Plan for Employment (‘IPE’) signed by you and a rehab counselor and reviewed at least once a year and allow IPE amendment requests, let you make informed choices on employment goals, allow appeals, mediation, and due process to decisions and give services during appeal period. When DVR makes an IPE, it must give you information on your due process rights (right to appeal) and information on Client Assistance Program (‘CAP’) as a way to resolve disputes. Source: 34 CFR ง 361.45(c)(2) * Guam Community College * University of Guam * Private employers (depending on your areas of interest) * Agency for Human Resource Development (AHRD) * One-Stop, Department of Labor * Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse (DMHSA) Page 20 Boxed text: Tips for You * Attend all your IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings. You have a right to be there and should take an active part in the meetings. Make sure the specific accommodations you need are in your IEP. * Don’t be afraid to ask for the supports you need in school and at work. * Take advantage of volunteer opportunities and part-time employment. IEP Transition Planning Here are some things to make sure you need to do or need to have done during your IEP meeting. * You have post-secondary goals in the areas of education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living. * Your post-secondary goals should be updated every year. * You have transition services in your IEP that will help you meet your postsecondary goals. * You have an annual IEP goal that is related to your transition needs. * YOU are invited to your IEP transition meetings. * The representatives of any participating agency present at your IEP transition meetings are there with your parents’ prior consent or your consent if you have reached the age of the majority (see page 28, Age of Majority). Employment Assistance Finding employment is not always easy. That is why it is important to plan for jobs and job training through your school. In high school, you may have opportunities like job shadowing or volunteering. In college, you might have an internship to help you get ready for work. All of these activities can help you prepare to find a job as you get older. For those with special health needs, you might need some extra support to get ready for work. You may also be able to get employment assistance through agencies, such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Department of Labor One-Stop Career Center. You can find contact information for these agencies in the “Community Resources” section at the end of this workbook. Owning your own business or being self-employed may be another option for you. This allows you to market your skills and talents and make a living. You can then dictate your work environment and by doing that you are making a choice. You should be given the choice and the guidance from your support team on how to turn your skills, talents and strengths into a living. This gives you the opportunity to choose where, when and how you would like to interact with the outside world on your terms. Page 21 TRANSITION PLANNING AND ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (AT) Assistive technology (AT) transition planning is an important part of planning for life after high school. You and your IEP team need to focus on what assistive technologies will help you in your new school, work, or home settings after high school. Your IEP should now include goals and actions with AT and how it will help you as an adult. Teachers, family members, and other service providers may learn how to help you use supportive technology to enhance your educational or life experience and outcomes. As you leave high school, continued support and funding for AT is dependent on adult or community service agencies. Who will find those resources and assist with the transition process? Who will provide the necessary training so that the technology will be used successfully in all settings in your life? The people who can answer these questions are important and should attend any transition planning meetings. For more information on assistive technology, contact Guam System for Assistive Technology (see page 39, Community Resources). Text in Box: What AT Information Should Be Included in Your Transition Plan? General transition planning is a little different from AT transition planning. Sometimes it is hard to figure out where AT planning fits into the larger transition planning process. In order for you to make a successful transition with your existing assistive technology, as well as prepare for any new AT devices and services, you may need in your new setting, the following AT-specific information should be included in your statement of transition services: * A description of your current technology use * A statement of the AT requirements in your new setting (I.e., school, work, or home) * Information for the transfer of AT devices, including user manuals and support documents * Identification of key personnel involved in AT training, funding options for needed new AT devices, and ongoing support * Steps for using and maintaining your assistive technology * An outline of the roles and training needs of IEP team members * Follow-up activities, including assessment and evaluation of your AT * A timeline for implementation Source: Family Center on Technology and Disability Page 22 8th Grade Worksheet Transition Planning Now is the time! It’s not too early to start planning ahead and think about life after graduation. List Strengths that will be useful in life after graduation: List Needs that will affect life after graduation: List Ideas for After Graduation. As you look ahead, what can you see as possibilities in these 3 areas: 1. Ongoing learning or training 2. Living 3. Working Consider the following areas: * Information from transition to high school. * Skills to work on in the coming year. * Curriculum considerations to think about now. * Goals to be included in the IEP. * Get a Guam ID card and learn when and how to give out personal information. * Learn and practice personal health care. * Learn to state your interests, wishes, and needs to others. * Learn and practice how to make informed decisions. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 23 9th Grade Worksheet Transition Planning Freshman year is another opportunity to think about the future and plan together for a successful transition to life after graduation – adulthood. Review last year’s plan and ask: What progress is being made to build strengths and address the needs you identified? Think and talk again about your ideas for Life after Graduation. List possibilities in the areas of: 1. Ongoing learning or training 2. Living 3. Working Consider the following areas: * Information from transition assessments. * Skills to work on in the coming year. * Curriculum considerations to think about now. * Goals to be included in the IEP. * Know how you learn best and what accommodations are needed to do well in school and at work. * Look into assistive technology that can make it easier to have a job and be part of the community. * Getting around your community on your own. (transportation) * Have community experiences. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 24 10th Grade Worksheet Transition Planning With graduation less than three years away, planning for the future becomes more and more important. Think about what needs to happen in the next 2 years to assure a successful transition to adulthood. Review last year’s plan and ask: What progress is being made to build strengths and address the needs you identified? What interests need to be pursued? Think and talk again about your ideas for Life after Graduation. List possibilities in the area of: 1. Ongoing learning or training 2. Living 3. Working Consider the following areas: * Agency contracts to make and gather information about possible programs for after graduations – post secondary programs, community support services, personal care attendants, etc. – Skill need areas to be working on during the coming year both at home and through the IEP be sure to include self-advocacy skills. * Interest areas to explore for possible career/job opportunities. * Look into and learn to use public transportation. Apply for para-transit transportation services, if applicable. Or enroll in driver’s education, if applicable. * Learn independent living skills, such as budgeting, shopping, cooking, and housekeeping. * Be able to explain abilities and disabilities and any accommodations that might be needed. * Learn about the laws that affect the rights of people with disabilities. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 25 11th Grade Worksheet Transition Planning Two years and counting! What’s happening that helps you feel like efforts are being made to get ready for life after high school. Review last year’s plan and ask: What progress is being made that will help you be ready for life as an adult? What needs are there that still should be addressed? Think and talk again about the ideas for Life after Graduation. By now there should be plans in the making in the three major areas. 1. Ongoing learning or training 2. Living 3. Working Consider the following areas: * Skill need areas to be working on during the coming year both at home and through the IEP. * Transition assessment information, interest inventories and work experience/job shadowing for possible career/job opportunities. * Look into the legal status about decision-making before becoming a legal adult (age 18 on Guam). * Work on communication skills and self-advocacy skills. * Become involved with advocacy and support groups. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 26 12th Grade Worksheet Transition Planning Time to plan the graduation party! But before doing that, ask what’s in place for immediately following that party? Consider the 3 major areas of: 1. Ongoing learning or training 2. Living 3. Working Next Steps: Where are the holes in realizing the dream? What needs to happen this year? Together, make a list: o What do we need to know? o Who do we need to talk to? o What do we need to do? Consider the following areas: * Register to vote. * Register for Selective Service (males only). * Know your rights and responsibilities as a person with a disability. Source: Grant Wood Area Education Agency. (2007). The transition research guide for middle school, high school, post high school. Cedar Rapids, IA: Author. Page 27 THINGS TO KNOW Self-Advocacy Self-advocacy is speaking up for yourself and taking charge of what you want to do. It is knowing what you need and being able to ask for it. Disclosure “Disclose” means to open up, to reveal, or to tell. When you disclose, you are sharing personal information about yourself for a specific purpose. Your decision to disclose is one of the most personal decisions you will make as a person with a disability. Advantages and Disadvantages of Disclosure As with other important decisions you will make in your life, there are both advantages and disadvantages in your decision to disclose. It can open up opportunities for you to participate in, but it also can be scary to tell someone something so personal about yourself. Reasonable accommodations after you exit high school are provided only when you disclose your disability and request accommodations. Remember that you do not have to disclose specific personal information about your disability. Disclosure also provides you legal protection against discrimination under the ADA. However, there are disadvantages of disclosure that you should prepare for. Sharing about your particular disability or disabilities may make you appear needy or not being able to perform on task. It could also cause you to be overlooked for a job, team, group, or organizational opportunity. Transfer of Rights If you are receiving special education services in school, a team of people has been planning your education each year. This team includes you, your parents, teachers, and others. Your parents have been guaranteed certain rights that affect your education. Some of these include rights to be informed about what the school wants to do, to look at your school records, and to be involved in planning your education. When you turn 18, these rights transfer to you. You become the decision-maker about your education. It is important that you know about the choices you will have when you are 18. However, you need time to think about what you need and prefer, to talk with your parents, and to plan for the best decisions. At the IEP meeting during the year you become 17, your team must tell you and your parents about the choices. Page 28 Age of Majority The age when a person becomes a legal adult is called the age of majority. On Guam, age eighteen (18) is considered the age of majority. You become an adult and your own guardian regardless of whether you have graduated from high school. Therefore, take control over your educational rights and be responsible for signing your IEP. If you are capable of being your own guardian but do not want to sign the IEP, you may have your parent/guardian continue as your educational decision-maker, but you must put this in writing. If you have concerns about your ability to participate in the educational decision-making process, the school should continue to work closely with your parent/guardian to ensure that good decisions are being made. Power of Attorney A Power of Attorney is a document that authorizes another person to do things on your behalf. This person is called the ‘attorney-in-fact’ and can act and make decisions in your place. It is important to be specific about what you want your attorney-in-fact to do for you and when you want your attorney-in-fact to stop doing these things for you. You can give your attorney-in-fact as much or as little power as you wish. Your power of attorney can be valid for a certain period of time and can still be valid even if you become incompetent. Guardianship Guardianship means that you have designated a person to make decisions for you. You may need help in making decisions in major life areas - educational decisions, where to live, employment, money and finances, legal issues, and medical concerns. Guardianship can be limited to education decisions, or it can include more than one major life area. In some cases, there may be concerns regarding whether you have the capability to be your own guardian. There are several guardianship options including guardianship of the person, guardianship of the estate, and temporary guardianship. Guardianship is a legal process. Usually, your parents request to be guardians. However, any adult who is capable and willing to have the responsibility may be your guardian. You and your guardian will continue to be involved in IEP meetings. Your guardian will make educational decisions as part of the team. For more information on guardianship and least restrictive alternatives, contact Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center (see page 39, Community Resources). Source: The Parent Information Center. (n.d.). Life after high school transition tool kit. Concord, NH: New Hampshire Department of Education. Transition Plan MAP / TIMELINE OF THINGS TO DO A timeline lets you see your life in the past and in the present. It also lets you picture how you would like to see your future. You can use pictures and/or words for your timeline. To make your timeline, put your birth date at the beginning of the timeline. Then add important events from your life and put them where they belong on your timeline. Also, go to the “future” part of the timeline and add future events. Timeline Sample My Timeline April 26, 2000 – I was born [graphic image of baby’s face] 2005 – I started Kindergarten [graphic image of a schoolhouse with children running up to front door and leaves blowing about] October 8, 2008 – My sister was born. [graphic image of a baby in a cradle] 2009 – We moved to our new home. [graphic image of house] 2010 – We got our first dog, named Scruffy. [graphic image of dog] 2012 – I went on my first plane ride to Saipan [graphic image of airplane] 2013 – This year, I will graduate from middle school [graphic image of math, science, social studies and writing textbooks stacked on top of each other] 2014 – In 1 year, I will start high school. [graphic image of high school]: 2015 – In 2 years, I will join the school soccer team [graphic image of soccer ball] 2016 – In 3 years, I will get my driver’s permit. [graphic image of driver’s license] 2018 – In 5 years, I will go to Guam Community College. [graphic image of college buildings] 2023 – In 10 years, I will have a job. [graphic image of two people sitting across from each other, one with papers and a pencil in hand] Page 30 Transition Plan MAP / TIMELINE OF THINGS TO DO Blank Table template: 7 columns, 2 rows 1st column: My Timeline: My Birthdate 1st row: 6 blank columns to record 6 key life events between your birth and last year 2nd row, 1st column: Record a key life event for This year, 20__ (fill in year) 2nd row, 2nd column: Record a key life event that will happen in 1 year, 20__ (fill in year) 2nd row, 3rd column: Record a key life event that will happen in 2 years, 20__ (fill in year) 2nd row, 4th column: Record a key life event that will happen in 3 years, 20__ (fill in year) 2nd row, 5th column: Record a key life event that will happen in 5 years, 20__ (fill in year) 2nd row, 6th column: Record a key life event for that will happen in 10 years, 20__ (fill in year) Page 31 NOTES (page with blank lines for note taking) Page 32 Resources NATIONAL RESOURCES Disability Programs and Services Department of Labor Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Family Center on Technology and Disability Family Information Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning Job Accommodation Network www.jan.wvu Job Corps National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) Disability Fact Sheets Navigating the IEP Process and Meetings Office of Disability Employment Policy The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities Pennsylvania Department of Health Transition Health Care Checklist Wrightslaw Parent Advocacy Tips Youth Build Page 33-34 Basic Facts about the Americans with Disabilities Act Title I – Employment * Employers may not discriminate against an individual with a disability in hiring or promotion if the person is otherwise qualified for the job. * Employers can ask about one’s ability to perform a job, but prior to offering a job they cannot inquire if someone has a disability or requires medical examinations. * Employers cannot use tests that tend to screen out people with disabilities unless the tests measure job-related skills. * Employers need to provide “reasonable accommodation” to individuals with disabilities. This includes steps such as job restructuring and modification of equipment. * Employers do not need to provide accommodations that impose an “undue hardship” on business operations. * Who needs to comply: – Private employers with 15 or more employees. – State and local government employers, regardless of how many employees they have. Title II – State and Local Governments * State and local governments may not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. * State and local government agencies must make reasonable modifications to their policies and procedures to allow equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities to participate. * All government facilities, services, and communications must be accessible consistent with the requirements of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. * All new construction must be accessible. * New public transit buses must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. * Transit authorities must provide comparable paratransit or other special transportation services to individuals with disabilities who cannot use fixed route bus services, unless an undue burden would result. * Existing rail systems must have one accessible car per train. * New rail cars must be accessible. * New bus and train stations must be accessible. * Key stations in rapid light and commuter rail systems must be made accessible by July 26, 1993, with extensions up to 20 years for commuter rail (30 years for rapid and light rail). * All existing Amtrak stations must be accessible by July 26, 2010. Title III – Public Accommodations * Private businesses such as restaurants, hotels, banks, and retail stores may not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. * Auxiliary aids and services must be provided to ensure effective communications with individuals with vision or hearing impairments, unless an undue burden would result. * Physical barriers in existing facilities must be removed, if removal is readily achievable. If removal is not readily achievable, alternative methods of providing the services must be offered, if they are readily achievable. * All new construction and alterations of facilities must be accessible. Title IV – Telecommunications * Companies offering telephone service to the general public must offer telephone relay services to individuals who use telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDDs) or similar devices. * All television public service announcements produced or funded in whole or in part by the federal government include closed captioning. Title V – Miscellaneous Provisions * Title V includes information regarding the ADA’s relationship with other federal and state laws such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. * Retaliation and coercion are prohibited. * The U.S. Congress and the agencies of the federal legislative branch are covered; discrimination against individuals with disabilities is prohibited in employment and other programs. Source: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth. (2005). The 411 on disability disclosure workbook. Washington, DC: Institute for Educational Leadership. Page 35-37 Summary of Legislation Table with 3 columns, 4 rows. Headers: Legislation, Summary, Resource * Legislation: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, public entities, public accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and recreation. Website: * Legislation: Assistive Technology (AT) Act The Assistive Technology Act requires states and territories to conduct activities related to public awareness, interagency coordination, technical assistance, and training and outreach to promote information about and access to assistive technology devices and services. The AT Act also authorizes the Assistive Technology Alternate Financing Program to assist people with disabilities in accessing the technology that they need. Websites: o AT Act: o Assistive Technology Alternate Financing Program: * Legislation: Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act requires that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need and participate in the planning and designing of those services. Website: * Legislation: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) The IDEA guarantees youth with disabilities FAPE. Individuals are entitled to an education and related services. Services detailed in IDEA include transition services and planning, individualized education programs, early intervention services, due process provisions, disciplinary services, and alternative education programs. Website: * Legislation: Social Security Supplemental Security Income – Not applicable on Guam (SSI) is a federal income supplement program designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people with limited income. There are a number of work incentives designed to help people on SSI and SSDI transition to work, including the following: o The Student-Earned Income Exclusion supports the ability of transition-aged youth to work and have earnings through work-based learning programs that are integrated into educational programs. o A Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS) allows a person with a disability to set aside income for a given period of time to achieve an employment goal. Website:; Additional information on work incentives can be found at * Legislation: Ticket to Work and Workforce Investment Improvement Act (TWWIIA) The TWWIIA program offers SSA disability beneficiaries greater choice in obtaining the services they need to help them go to work and attain their employment goals. Website: Summary Resource * Legislation: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act The Workforce Investment Act provides coordinated, effective, and customer-focused workforce development and employment services to be delivered through One-Stop Career Centers. Title I of WIA provides for services to youth, adults, and dislocated workers. The youth provisions of Title I of WIA require states and localities to provide a comprehensive workforce preparation system that reflects the developmental needs of youth. Section 188 of Title I makes it illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities in employment and training programs, services, and activities receiving funds under WIA. Website:; * Legislation: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, public entities, public accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and recreation. Website: * Legislation: Assistive Technology (AT) Act The Assistive Technology Act requires states and territories to conduct activities related to public awareness, interagency coordination, technical assistance, and training and outreach to promote information about and access to assistive technology devices and services. The AT Act also authorizes the Assistive Technology Alternate Financing Program to assist people with disabilities in accessing the technology that they need. Websites: AT Act:; Assistive Technology Alternate Financing Program: * Legislation: Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act requires that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need and participate in the planning and designing of those services. Website: * Legislation: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) The IDEA guarantees youth with disabilities FAPE. Individuals are entitled to an education and related services. Services detailed in IDEA include transition services and planning, individualized education programs, early intervention services, due process provisions, disciplinary services, and alternative education programs. Website: Source: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth. (2005). The 411 on disability disclosure workbook. Washington, DC: Institute for Educational Leadership. Page 38 NOTES (page with blank lines for note taking) Page 39 - 44 Community Resources This is the place in the workbook where all different organizations, agencies, and programs can help you with your transition needs and/or with finding helpful resources. It is helpful to use the contact log (at the back) to keep contact information handy and to keep track of each call you make, with dates, names of people you spoke with, actions to be taken, and expected dates of completion. Making a Call This is a sample script that you can use when calling community organizations, agencies, and programs for help. Text in box: “Hello. My name is __(write in name) _. I have a question about (fill in blank) . Can you please connect me with someone who can help?” DIRECTORY Emergencies GUAM FIRE DEPARTMENT: 475-9082-9084 / 475-9080/711 Emergency Call ONLY 911 GUAM POLICE DEPARTMENT: 472-8911/2 Emergency Call ONLY 911 475-9080/711 Crime Stoppers Hotline 472-4357 Health Care ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 646-7233 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY: 477-9451/2 AMERICAN RED CROSS: 472-6217/9 CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, MONSIGNOR DAVID I.A. QUITUGUA FOUNDATION 635-1441/2 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE ABUSE 647-5330/5448/5440 Clinical Services 647-5325 Clinical Psychologists: Shirley Au, Ph.D.; Lyndsey Miller, Ph.D.; Patricia Taimanglo, Ph.D.: 647-5440/5325; 477-5338/9 Community Support Services 647-5405 Counseling Services 647-5325/5405 Crisis Hotline 647-8833/4 Drug & Alcohol/New Beginnings 475-5438-48 Guma Ifil 473-2607 Healing Hearts Rape Crisis Center 647-5351 Nursing Services: Inpatient Units 647-8890 PEACE Office 477-9079 Prevention & Training Branch 477-9079-83 Victims Advocates Reaching Out (VARO) 24-hour Hotline 477-5552 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 735-7102 Adult Protective Services 735-7421 AIDS/STD/HIV Program 735-7137/7166/7311 Catastrophic Illness Assistance Program 735-7245 Community Health Centers (CHC): 635-7412/7456/7400/4410 (Dededo/Northern); 828-7516/17/18 (Inarajan/Southern); 735-7121/7 (Mangilao) Dental Clinic 735-7364 Division of Public Welfare 735-7274 Family Planning 735-7356 Guam Comprehensive Cancer Control Program 735-7289 Guam Comprehensive Hemophilia Care Program 735-7356; 635-4410 Guam Medicare Assistance Program 735-7421 Guam Tobacco Free Program 735-7289 Health Education 735-0670/3 Immunization Program 735-7143/8 Maternal Child Health Program 735-7111/05 Medicaid Program 735-7239/7246 635-7466/67 Medically Indigent Program (MIP) 735-7239/7246; 635-7466/67 Medical Social Services 735-7168/7356 Shriners Clinic 735-7351 Special Kids Clinic 635-7412/56 STD/HIV Prevention Program 734-7166/7137 Tuberculosis Program 735-7157 Women Infants & Children 475-0295/6 (Tiyan); 735-7180/1 (Mangilao); 635-7471/2 (Dededo); 565-3537 (Santa Rita) ELIM PACIFIC MINISTRIES OASIS EMPOWERMENT CENTER 646-4601 GENTLE REFUGE CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 477-1742 GUAHAN PROJECT 647-5684 Guam Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program 735-0671/5 GUAM DIABETES PREVENTION & CONTROL PROGRAM 735-7295 Guam GetCare, DISID 475-4646; 642-0038 (TTY) GUAM MEDICAID 735-7243 GUAM MEDICAL REFERRAL OFFICE 475-9350 GUAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 647-2330/2552-4 Ambulance 475-9082/3 Emergency Room 647-2281 Poison Control Telephone Advice 1-800-222-1222 GUAM SEXUAL VIOLENCE PREVENTION & EDUCATION PROGRAM 735-7304 ISLANDWIDE BREASTFEEDING COALITION 475-0290 NAVAL HOSPITAL 344-9340 SANCTUARY, INC. 475-7101 Adult Anger Management Group 475-7101-3 Crisis Hotline 475-7100 Drug and Alcohol Group (Na’ Homlo, Pathways) 475-7101 Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAPP) 475-7102 SUPERIOR COURT OF GUAM Client Services and Family Counseling 475-3101 Thrive 475-3101 THE SALVATION ARMY, LIGHTHOUSE RECOVERY CENTER 477-7671 Education DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 475-0462 Behavioral Supports 300-2274 Parent Services 300-1322 Psychological Services 300-2274 Speech Services 300-1321 Transition Services 300-2280 GUAM COMMUNITY COLLEGE 735-5531-4 Accommodative Services 735-5597 Adult Ed Office (High School Program) 735-5584 Career Access 735-5565 Enrollment Services 735-5591 GED Program 735-5625 Project AIM/TRIO Program 735-5594/95 UNIVERSITY OF GUAM 735-2206 Career Development Office 735-2228 Cooperative Extension 735-2055 Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education Research/Service (CEDDERS) 735-2481/87/79; 734-6531 (TTY) Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) 735-2490/1 Persons with Disabilities Services 735-2243/735-2244 (TTY/Voice) Small Business Development Center 735-2590 Student Support Services 735-2248/58 Community Resources AGENCY FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT (AHRD) 475-7075 ARCHDIOCESE OF AGAัA, FAMILY MINISTRY 472-6116 x231 ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE 475-3324 AUTISM COMMUNITY TOGETHER (ACT) 787-2281 CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES 635-1441/1400 Adult Day Care Services 635-1450/1 Alee Family Violence Shelter 649-2533 Case Management 635-1427 Emergency Food Pantry 635-1441/2 Emergency Receiving Home 632-8853 Guma Ginefli’e Day Care Services 653-4004/2/9 Guma’ San Jose Homeless Shelter 633-2955 In-Home Services 635-1415/6/1419/20 Liheng Elderly Housing 635-1452 Liheng Transitional Housing Program 635-1452 Respite Care Program 635-1417/8 Sagan Ayudan Maisa Housing Program 635-1407 CLIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (CAP) 646-4227 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOOD SERVICES, TEMPORARY EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (TEFAP) 475-6402/6400-9 DEPARTMENT OF INTEGRATED SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS FOR DISABILITIES (DISID) 475-4646 Division of Support Services (DSS) 475-4624 Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) 475-4635 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, Guam Employment Services 475-7031/28 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 735-7102 Guam Employment and Training Program (GETP) 735-7256 Job Opportunity and Basic Skills Program (JOBS) 735-7256 Public Assistance Programs 735-7246/7239 (SNAP); 635-7432 (MIP/Welfare); 828-7542 (Inarajan) Senior Citizens Support Services 735-7382/7415 DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION OF GUAM 477-6706 Community Resources CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES EDUCATION RESEARCH/SERVICE (CEDDERS) 735-2481/87/79; 734-6531 (TTY) Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) 735-2490/1 GUAM CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING 637-4548/9 GUAM DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES COUNCIL 735-9127/8 GUAM HOUSING CORPORATION 647-4143 GUAM HOUSING AND URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY (GHURA) 475-1330; 477-9851-54 GUAM HUMANITIES COUNCIL MOTHEREADฎ 472-4468 GUAM IDENTIFIES FAMILIES TERRIFIC STRENGTHS, INC. (GIFTS) 482-4438 GUAM LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION/DISABILITY LAW CENTER (GLSC/DLC) 477-9811/2; 477-7356 (TTY) GUAM’S POSITIVE PARENTS TOGETHER (GPPT) 777-7991 GUAM PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM 475-4751/2 GUAM REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY 475-4620/4686/4616 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF GUAM, INC. 647-4667 iCAN RESOURCES INC. 646-4226 MAYORS’ COUNCIL OF GUAM 472-6940 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, VICTIMS WITNESS AYUDA SERVICES (VWAS) 475-3324 OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC GUARDIAN, SUPREME COURT OF GUAM 475-3173 ONE STOP CAREER CENTER, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 475-7000/1 PACIFIC DAILY NEWS LEND-A-HAND GUAM CHAPTER 477-9711-6 x102 PUBLIC DEFENDER SERVICE CORPORATION 475-3100 SALVATION ARMY 477-9872 SANCTUARY, INC., Parent Support Group 475-7101/2 SIัA SELF-ADVOCACY TRAINING 686-1936 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 635-4433 THE SALVATION ARMY, FAMILY SERVICE CENTER 477-3528 Page 45 CONTACT LOG (Template form) Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Date: ? In person ? Phone call ? Email ? Other Notes: Page 46 NOTES (Blank page with lines for personal notes.) Page 47 This publication was authored by MCH LEND Guam 2012-13 community trainees, Vera Blaz, Carol Cabiles, Felicity Grandjean, and Diana Santos. It was edited, designed, and produced by MCH LEND Guam 2012-13 trainees, Carla Torres (MCH LEND Guam faculty), Louise Iwaishi, MD, and Leolinda Parlin (Hawaii MCH LEND Co-Directors), and University of Guam CEDDERS. It was endorsed and co-sponsored by the Guam Tri-Agency on Developmental Disabilities (University of Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service; Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center; and Guam Developmental Disabilities Council). This publication may be distributed as is for your use and dissemination. Copyright ฉ 2013 Special thanks goes to the MCH LEND Guam 2012-13 faculty and community trainees, the Guam Tri-Agency on Developmental Disabilities, Autism Community Together, Si๑A Self-Advocacy, and community stakeholders for their support with this Transition Planning Workbook. This publication was supported by Project #T73MC00014 from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (Public Health Service Act, Section 399BB (e)(1)(A) as amended by the Combating Autism Act of 2006, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the MCH LEND program. Printed April 2013. Cover illustration by Cecile Olandez.