Early Childhood Providers from Licensed Child Care Facilities Participate in Training
by Guam CEDDERSEight early childhood providers from five child care centers participated in the Project Tinituhon Ages and Stages (ASQ) Learning Activities Training facilitated by Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant, and Vera Blaz, Project Tinituhon Project Coordinator. Participants received a refresher on screening and scoring the ASQ-3 as well as orientation to the revised Guam Early Learning Guidelines Birth to 36 Months and Three to Five Years. These five child care centers are part of the islandwide Developmental and Behavioral Screening System (iDBSS) pilot program under Project TInituhon. Each center received a copy of the ASQ Learning Activities and the Guam Early Learning Guam Early Learning Guidelines. Pictured L-R: Maria Zenaida Unsay, ABC 123 Learning and Development Center; Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant; Alma Vitug, ABC 123 Learning and Development Center; CarmenBelle Gumataotao and Dora Camacho, Lots of Learning Child Care Center; Gloria Datuin, Giggles & Scribbles Child Care Center; Marinta Neth, Dededo Child Care and Learning Center; Tina de Leon Guerrero, Tina’s Learning Center; Teresa Halladay, Dededo Child Care and Learning Center; and Vera Blaz, Project Tinituhon Project Coordinator.Community Services: Training