by Guam CEDDERSGuam CEDDERS Advisory Council held its quarterly meeting on December 18 at the Lotte Hotel, Guam. Attending the meeting from left to right were Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director; Lynn Tydingco, Chairperson; Jef Limtiaco (partially hidden), Guam CEDDERS; Maria Bontogon, Self-Advocate; Linda Rodriguez, Department of Public Health & Social Services; Rosanne Ada, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC) Director; Carol Cabiles, Guam Legal Services Disability Law Center; Josie Guerrero (partially hidden), Parent; and Yolanda Gabriel, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education. Pictured in the background is June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director. In attendance but not shown: Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, and Keith Villaluna, Guam CEDDERS Data Coordinator.Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council