by Guam CEDDERSGuam CEDDERS facilitated a webinar presented by Donna McNear, Vision Instruction Consultant (shown on screen) for the Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education’s Vision Instruction (VI) Program. Topics discussed included the implementation of Unified English Braille (UEB) and assistive technology for students who are blind. Also discussed was Donna’s upcoming on-site visit in January 2016. Attending the webinar were (starting left, clockwise) Paula Ulloa, VI School Program Consultant; Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS; Darlene Taimanglo, VI teacher; Diane Artero, VI Teacher; and Judy Quinata, Braille transcriber. This activity was supported through a contract between Guam CEDDERS and the Guam DOE, Division of Special Education.Community Services: Technical AssistanceCommunity Services: TrainingVision Impairment