Meeting with Deaf Mentors_021520_002

On February 15, Guam CEDDERS, GPPT and Deaf Mentor trainees came together to discuss the roles each person trained can contribute as a role model for families of
children identified with a hearing loss, actively participating on the Guam EHDI Advisory and Learning Community meetings and working collaboratively with Guam EHDI
and GPPT to plan future training opportunities and social events for DHH families. Pictured (left-right): Kirsten Rosario, ASL Interpreter, Michelle Aguigui, Associate Director,
Regina Hawkins, Ann Marie Cruz, Board President, GPPT, Jesicilla Cruz, Myra Aguon, Christopher Taitingfong, Normie Ilustre, Bong Sun Ahn, Melencia Porto, Eufrocino Porto,
Janice Toves, and Francisco R. Perez, Jr. Not Shown: Marie Wusstig, Training Associate, Guam CEDDERS.

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