CNMI Early Intervention Program Provides Services During the CNMI Shutdown
In efforts to ensure that all infants and toddlers enrolled in the CNMI Early Intervention Program receive services in a manner that protects the health of the child, family, and early intervention practitioners, Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS, Early Childhood Consultant facilitated a series of virtual professional development training via Zoom Video Conferencing. On April 14, the training entitled Providing Early Intervention Services through Distance Technology was designed to increase the knowledge and understanding of providers on how to use Tele-Intervention during this time of social distancing. The topics discussed during the session was on feasibility, system requirements, Planning the Visit, and the Framework for Tele-Intervention Home Visits (this included 3-parts of the Visit). The training included information from The Family, Infant, and Preschool Program’s presentation by Dr. Dathan Rush. The Tele-Intervention strategies identified by Dr. Rush aligns with the evidenced-based model of Early Childhood Coaching as indicated in the CNMI Part C State Systemic Improvement Plan. CNMI Early Intervention Staff continued weekly Reflective Coaching Training Sessions through the months of April, May, and June to build the capacity of staff in using the “Collaborative Problem-Solving” process to enhance tele-intervention home visits.

On April 23, Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant, along with Keith Villaluna, Guam CEDDERS Data Specialist, facilitated the virtual Early Childhood Reflective Coaching session with the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas (CNMI) Early Intervention Program via Zoom. 1st Row, L-R: Peter Ryan Mendiola, Special Instruction Teacher, CNMI; Keith Villaluna, Data Specialist, Guam CEDDERS; Nace Soalablai Jr, Family Partnership Advocate, CNMI; Veronica King, Service Coordinator, CNMI; Janelle Cepeda, Data Manager, CNMI; 2nd Row, L-R: Karri Fisher, Occupational Therapist, CNMI; Elaine Eclavea, EC Consultant, Guam CEDDERS; Keokia Mendiola, Speech-Language Pathologist, Guam; 3rd Row, L-R: Aljay Figueroa, Occupational Therapist, CNMI; Robin Palacios, EI Program Director, CNMI; Jonisa Sanchez, Special Instruction Teacher, CNMI.