GDOE School Personnel Attend SSIP Training by Guam CEDDERS Jalma Manglona, first grade teacher at Capt. H.B. Price Elementary School, delivers a lesson on phoneme segmentation to her 1st grade colleagues from the four SSIP schools using instructional techniques that demonstrate explicit instruction. Valene Salas, GATE teacher, works with Aurelia Perez and Francesco Sison, fifth grade teachers at J.M. Guerrero Elementary School, to graph percentile rank-scores to determine the level of intervention for each student that requires the additional assistance. The Chief Brodie Memorial Elementary School Team work together to increase their knowledge and skills on data literacy for improving reading instruction. (From left to right): Celeste Lizama and MaryLeah Pervez, fourth grade; Darlene Castro, Principal; Franky Indalecio, GATE; Kelly Escuadra, GDOE Cⅈ Delia Taijeron, ESL; and Joycelyn Aguon , fifth grade. Annette Raguindin and Bertha Cruz, fifth grade teachers at M.U. Lujan Elementary School, and Joshua Blas, GDOE SSIP Project Director, review student data, analyze reading errors from students’ aimsweb Oral Reading Fluency screening results, and use the data as part of the “Plan” step of the PDSA cycle. Early Childhood Guam Department of Education