Farewell Luncheon Held for EPICS Scholars Completing Externship

EPICS Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation
July 21, 2019:  Guam EPICS Scholars currently completing their externships in San José, California were treated to a farewell luncheon by their San José State University professors. The externships began on June 10 and will end on August 2.Attending the event were (Seated L-R):  Dr. Carol Zepecki, Scholars Aileen Serrano, Bobbie Obillo, John Payne, Lisa Eclavea, Jasmin Advani, and Lilly Reyes.
Standing (L-R):  Dr. Jean Jackson, Dr. Donald Weddington, Gary Cramptoni, and Dr. Gloria Weddington. Scholars not shown:  Dianne Sapido, Cassandra Dimla, and Christina Coles.

GDOE Participates in OSEP Leadership Conference Poster Session

Community Services: Model Services Continuing Education Guam Department of Education

The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) in partnership with Guam CEDDERS participated in the poster session at the Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) Leadership Conference on July 22 in Washington, D.C.  The title of the poster was “It Happens in the School Building.” The poster centered on the continuous improvement efforts of the four State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) target schools as they work on increasing the reading achievement of elementary students, specifically those students with disabilities.

From L-R ront row: June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; Yolanda Gabriel, GDOE Assistant Superintendent Division of Special Education; Terese Crisostomo, GDOE School Program Consultant; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Natasha Dela Cruz, Principal, M.U. Lujan Elementary; Melissa Mafnas, Principal, J.M. Guerrero Elementary School; Laura Taisipic, GDOE School Program Consultant. From L-R Back row: Dennis Bakker, GDOE Division of Special Education Data Manager; and Charlie Kniseley, OSEP State Lead.

Palau Updates State-Wide Assessment Guidelines

Community Services: Training

Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, Josephine Cruz, and Guam CEDDERS consultant June Quitugua, provided on-site working sessions with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Palau centered on updating the guidelines for the use of state-wide and alternate assessments with students with disabilities.  The sessions were held from July 10-12 at the Special Education office in Koror, Palau. Twenty-four participants comprised of Special Education teachers, General Education teachers, principals, curriculum specialists, as well as the MOE’s Chief of the Division of Research & Evaluation, Wilhelm Rechelluul, attended the 3-day sessions.

Front L-R: Tsungiko Renguul, Special Education teacher; Jocelyn Maldangesang, Special Education Specialist; Hilda Kenzio, English Specialist; Larry Rdiall, Special Education teacher; Sarah Rubario, Special Education teacher; Yvonne Ruluked, General Education teacher; Cheryl Adachi, General Education teacher; Mayleen Ngiriou, Principal, Koror Elementary School (KES); Middle L-R: Wilhelm Rechelluul, Chief, Division of Reseach & Evaluation; Nora Renguul, Special Education Coordinator; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Gwendolyn Rengiil, Special Education Specialist; Bruce Melairei, General Education teacher; Lyliza Madris, Assessment Specialist Back L-R: Wicliff Emul, Principal, GBH; Lucia Tebelual, Principal, MES; Symth Rdang, Principal, PHS; Atanacia Ubedei, KES Special Education teacher; Hadson Ngirakesau, General Education teacher; Clarinda Worswick, General Education Teacher; Hadleen Medalarak, Math Specialist. Not pictured: June Quitugua,Guam CEDDERS consultant.
Participants are hard at work reading an article. Seated, front L-R: Symth Rdang, Principal-Palau High School (PHS); Jocelyn Maldangesang, Special Education Specialist; Seated, back L-R: Hadson Ngirakesau, PHS General Education teacher; Wicliff Emul, Principal, George B. Harris Elementary School (GBH), and Virginia Kuterbis, GBH Special Education teacher.
Participants in training from L-R: Gwendolyn Rengiil, Special Education Specialist; Clarinda Worswick, GBH General Education Teacher; Tsungkiko Renguul, Meyuns Elementary School (MES) Special Education teacher; and Nora Renguul, Special Education Coordinator.

EPICS Scholars Earn Practicum Hours

EPICS Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation
The EPICS Project is a personnel preparation project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and awarded to San José State University (SJSU) in collaboration with Guam CEDDERS. EPICS Scholars are currently focusing on earning practicum hours at various placement sites including the Guam Department of Education’s Extended School Year Program, Guam Regional Medical City, and Guam Memorial Hospital.  A group of nine scholars from Guam are currently completing an externship at various placement sites in the San José State University (SJSU) area.  The seven remaining scholars from Guam are also working on earning hours while on island this summer. 
July 8, 2019: (L-R) Kathy Ruszala, a scholar from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) who is in the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Pathology (EPICS) Project and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS EPICS Consultant, met to discuss Kathy’s progress in her practicum experience.
July 8, 2019: (L-R): Ignacio dela Cruz, Tricia Taitano, and Kathy Ruszala, CNMI Scholars are currently in Guam in practicum placements at in the Summer Extended School Year Program at Guam Department of Education. They are also earning practicum hours at Guam Regional Medical Center and Guam Memorial Hospital.

AUCD Leadership Academy Shapes the Future of Disability

AUCD Developmental Disabilities

Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, Josephine Cruz, was one of 24 participants selected from across the nation to attend the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Leadership Academy.  The AUCD Leadership Academy was held at Georgia State University from June 28 through June 29.  The goal of the Academy was to cultivate 21st century leaders for the disability movement through a focus on strengths-based and authentic leadership that promotes collective impact.  The Courage and Renewal principles and practices were used as a framework for the training.  Participants had the opportunity to tour the National Center on Civil and Human Rights and to meet disability self-advocates who are at the forefront of the national disability movement including Liz Weintraub, You-Tube star of Tuesdays with Liz:  Disability Policy For All and Jeiri Flores, Self-Advocacy Discipline Coordinator.  In addition, participants were able to network and share leadership challenges with other leaders in the disability movement in their allied groups.  The Academy provided valuable learning experiences that will facilitate and sustain the leadership at Guam CEDDERS.

L-R: Dr. Valerie William, Director, Center for Learning and Leadership University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center; Dr. Daniel Crimmins, Director, Center for Leadership in Disability; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Andrew Imparto, JD, Executive Director, Association of University Centers on Disabilities.
L-R: Liz Weintraub, AUCD Senior Advocacy Specialist and You-Tube star; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate.
AUCD faculty prepare for training. L-R: Matthew Williams, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Forum for Theological Exploration; Mark Crenshaw, MTS, Director of Interdisciplinary Training, Center for Leadership Disability.
AUCD Leadership Academy trainees, faculty, and guest speakers pose for a group photo after touring the National Center on Civil and Human Rights.