Pohnpei Teachers Receive Information About the EPICS Project
by Guam CEDDERSTerrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, was recently in Pohnpei to share information on the EPICS Project. EPICS, which stands for “Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech-Language Pathology,” is currently in the recruitment of scholars phase. Attending the meeting on August 21 were (L-R): Joysleen Daniel, Pohnpei Special Education Staff and graduate of Project Fo’na; Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS; Maureen Villagomez, Special Education Teacher; Maiulynn Gallen, Special Education Teacher; Roddy Roberts, Vision Instruction Teacher; and Carlina Henry, Special Education Coordinator.Continuing EducationDisability StudiesEPICSInterdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation