The Guam EHDI Diagnostic Audiological Evaluation/Early Intervention (DAE/EI) Quality Improvement (QI) Team met on February 5 to discuss the current status of DAE completion rates. The meeting also developed strategies and a plan to facilitate improvements to increase the timely completion of DAEs. Attending the meeting were (L-R) Keith Villaluna, Guam EHDI Surveillance Specialist; Marie Wusstig, Guam EHDI Project Coordinator; Pat Mantanona, Guam Early Intervention System Program Coordinator; Susan Dugan, Guam Positive Parents Together (GPPT) Deaf/Hard of Hearing Project Coordinator; Renee L.G. Koffend, AuD., Guam EHDI Audiological Consultant, and Terrie Fejarang, Guam EHDI Project Director.
The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Outreach Committee held their Training and Work Session Meeting on February 5 at GSAT House 19 Dean Circle. Attendees included, (Sitting, L-R) Lou Mesa, SRC Chairperson; Jeanette Yamashita, Member; (Standing, L-R) Leah Abelon, Outreach Chairperson; Erlinda Tydingco, SRC Vice Chairperson and Outreach Committee Member; and Laura Taisipic. The SRC Outreach Committee oversees all program planning and program review related to providing outreach to the disability community and state and federal collaborators.
Guam CEDDERS provided GSAT and Akudi brochures and copies of the 2017 Neni Directory of Services for Young Children to Barbara Askey (right), Naval Base Guam School Liaison Officer, on January 16, for the upcoming Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP) Workshop for military parents who have children with special needs. School Liaison Officers help connect military families, commands, and Kindergarten – 12 th Grade schools.
On January 11, the State Rehabilitation Council, held its first Executive Meeting at the DVR Conference Room. (Front row, L-R) Jeanette Yamashita, Planning and Resource Committee Chairperson; Laura Taisipic, Planning and Resources Committee Vice Chairperson; and Barbara Johnson, Services Committee member. (Second row, L-R) Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director; Erlinda Tydingco, SRC Vice Chairperson; Lou Mesa, SRC Chairperson; Pete Barcinas, SRC Secretary; Leah Abelon, Outreach Committee Chairperson; and Edmund Cruz, Services Committee Chairperson. The State Rehabilitation Council provides clients of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation with a mechanism to influence the direction of the rehabilitation programs in Guam at the System Policy Level.
The GSAT Advisory Council Executive members held their quarterly meeting on January 9 at GSAT, House 19. (Pictured L-R, clockwise) Barbara Johnson, Secretary; Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director; Lou Mesa, Chairperson; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; Evangelis Babauta (standing), ASL Interpreter; Evelyn Duenas, Vice Chairperson; and Josephine Cortez, Member at Large. (Not shown) Dawn Maka, Member at Large. The executive members meets to developand approve the agenda for the upcoming GSAT Advisory Council General Membership Meeting on January 23, 2018.
On December 26, GSAT Center Coordinator, Leah Abelon demonstrated an adjustable bed in the GSAT Model Home to Annette Babauta and Geri Quintanilla (left). The adjustable bed is power-operated, controls to raise and lower the head and foot of the bed, and includes a massage feature.
The Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council held its quarterly meeting on December 7. In addition to the regular agenda items, discussions took place on potential goals, objectives, and activities for the Guam CEDDERS Core Work Plan for 2018-2023. (Front row, L-R) Erlinda Tydingco; Josie Guerrero, Chairperson; Joyce Tejeresas, Vice Chairperson; baby Richard Flores; Julia Flores; Linda Rodriguez; Maria Bontogon; Carol Cabiles; Ben Servino; Barbara Johnson; and Marie Tedtaotao-Libria.
On November 17, Renee Koffend, Au.D., CCC-A, Audiologist and Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Consultant, conducted a presentation on “Hearing Loss Identification and Rehabilitation” to Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) service providers. The presentation included a review of the current Guam EHDI Hearing Screening and Diagnostic Audiological Evaluation (DAE).
Representatives from the Guam Developmental Disabilities Tri-Agency met on November 16 to develop the 2018-2023 Tri-Agency Work Plan. Attending the meeting were (L-R): Carol Cabiles, Program Coordinator, Guam Legal Services – Disability Law Center (GLS-DLC); Marie Libria, Program Coordinator, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC); Hank Parker, J.D., Executive Director, GLS-DLC; Dr. Heidi San Nicolas, Director, Guam CEDDERS; June De Leon, Associate Director, Guam CEDDERS; and Terrie Fejarang, Associate Director, Guam CEDDERS.
On Nov. 11, Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant (not pictured), and Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate (center), facilitated training on “Learn the Signs. Act Early,” for Family Day Care Home Providers. The “Learn the Signs. Act Early” Program aims to improve early identification of autism and other developmental disabilities in children to enable families to access needed services and supports. Pictured (L-R): Cassandra Gutierrez and Lehualanu Kahete, Reach for the Stars Learning Center; Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate; and Cecilia Guerrero, Humiko Tostiwo, and Marie Lynn Iriarte, Tan Victoria’s Chamoru Day Care.