GDOE School Psychologists Discuss How to Assess Complex Cases

CEDDERS CORE Guam Department of Education
March 15, 2019: the Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Division of Special Education, with technical support from the Guam CEDDERS, provided an opportunity for school psychologists at GDOE to come together and discuss the assessment of complex cases with Dr. Irina Zamora, psychologist from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). The collaboration facilitated problem solving and dialogue on best practices for assessment. Standing L-R: Audra Mesa, Pia Watson, Rowena Guzman, Alma Terbio, Tom Babauta, Tom Hazama, Marian Punzalan, Marita Gogue, Dr. Irina Zamora (CHLA), Doris Espinosa, and Joanne Kim.

Parents of Children with Autism Participate in Workshop

CEDDERS CORE Guam Department of Education
March 13, 2019: The Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Division of Special Education, in collaboration with Guam CEDDERS, held a workshop for parents with children on the autism spectrum. The focus of the workshop was on providing strategies for parents to help their child manage the demands of the home environment. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Irina Zamora, a psychologist from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). It was attended by 22 participants.

GDOE Takes the Lead in the Identification and Assessment of Children with ASD

Guam Department of Education

March 11-14, 2019: The Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Division of Special Education, with technical support from Guam CEDDERS, provided training to 8 GDOE personnel, Cohort #3, in the administration and scoring of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2).  The training is designed to prepare the participants to take the Western Psychological Services (WPS) certification test for administering the ADOS-2. The overarching goal of the training is to build the capacity of the GDOE in identifying and assessing young and school age children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  The training was conducted by Dr. Irina Zamora, psychologist from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).

May 11-14, 2019: ADOS-2 Cohort #3 and coaches from L-R, back row: Arnell Medler, Barbara Bernardo, Julene Isezaki, Gage Parsons (coach), Rowena Dimla, Nadine Cepeda, and Jonathan Guerrero. Front row, L-R: Audra Mesa, Pia Watson, Dr. Irina Zamora (CHLA), and Josephine Cruz (Guam CEDDERS).
Brynn Badua gets ready to participate in the ADOS-2 live practice.

GDOE Gears Up for Multi-State Alternate Assessment

CEDDERS CORE Guam Department of Education

Guam CEDDERS in partnership with the Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Division of Special Education, facilitated a half-day refresher training on March 11, 2019 for elementary resource room teachers, and March 12, 2019 for secondary resource room teachers. The focus of the training was to prepare Special Education teachers for the administration of  the Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA). The MSAA is a comprehensive assessment system designed to promote higher academic outcomes for students with significant cognitive disabilities (MSAA Test Administration Manual, 2019). The training was conducted by June DeLeon, Associate Director from the Guam CEDDERS and Terese Crisostomo from the GDOE, Division of Special Education and was attended by 60 teachers at the GDOE offices in Tiyan.

March 12, 2019: Guam CEDDERS Associate Director June DeLeon discusses the accessibility features of the MSAA with secondary teachers during a refresher training. The focus of the training was to prepare Special Education teachers for the administration of the MSAA.
Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Division of Special Education secondary teachers discuss the Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) requirements for test administrators during a refresher training.

Village Play Time Held at Piti Social Hall

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
March 22, 2019: Marie Wusstig (left), CEDDERS Training Associate, and Tanya Simer (center), CEDDERS Hearing Screening Paraprofessional, show two little girls and their grandmother how to make musical instruments using recycled products while attending the Village Play Time event held at the Piti Social Hall.
March 22, 2019: Staff from the Department of Education Early Childhood Preschool Program read to children and their parents during the Village Play Time event held at the Piti Social Hall. This event allows children to participate in developmentally appropriate activities with their parents.

iCanConnect Program Representative Meets CEDDERS Staff

CEDDERS CORE Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
March 12, 2019: Leah Neumann, a deaf-blind specialist from the Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) provided information to Guam CEDDERS during her visit in Guam. She also participated as a resource vendor during the 25th Annual GSAT Fair on March 9, 2019. The iCanConnect program provides individuals with significant vision and hearing loss with free equipment and training. Pictured from left: Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, Tanya Simer, Hearing Screening Paraprofessional; Jenika Ballesta, Research Associate; Marie Wusstig, Training Associate; Leah Neumann, HKNC Deaf-Blind Specialist; Leah Abelon, Research Associate; and Kunta Kinte Edmond, UOG Social Work Intern.

GSAT Holds Annual Assistive Technology Fair

CEDDERS CORE Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
March 9, 2019: Tanya Simer (left), CEDDERS Hearing Screening Paraprofessional, gives a copy of the “Guam Directory of Services for Individuals with Disabilities” to Moses Puas (right) during the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Fair held at Agana Shopping Center.
March 9, 2019: Leah Abelon (right), GSAT Center Coordinator, shares information about assistive technology devices available for individuals with hearing impairments during the GSAT Fair held at Agana Shopping Center.
March 9, 2019: Shawni Acfalle (right), GSAT Center Assistant, shares information about assistive technology devices available for individuals with visual impairments during the GSAT Fair held at Agana Shopping Center.

25th Annual Guam System for Assistive Technology Conference Held on March 1st

CEDDERS CORE Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
March 1, 2019: The 25th Annual GSAT Conference, was held on March 1, 2019 held at Westin Resort Guam, welcomed 168 participants which included individuals with disabilities, service providers, family members, educators and the general public. This year’s theme: “Empowering Diverse Communities Through Innovative Technology,” recognized how innovative assistive technology paves the way to possibilities and creates a positive impact on people with disabilities.
March 1, 2019: Leah Abelon, Assistive Technology Center Coordinator, delivers welcoming remarks during the opening session of the conference.
March 1, 2019: The Langston University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (LU-RRTC) team was featured during the first plenary session, highlighting their research and the availability of capacity building technical assistance for minority entities interested in doing research in fields related to disabilities. Pictured left to right: Edward Manyibe, Ph.D., CRC, LADC, Capacity Building Director and Research Associate Professor; Renee Starr-Howard, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Courtney Ward-Sutton, Ph. D., Postdoctoral Research Fellow; Andre Washington, Ph.D. CRC, Co-Principal Investigator/Technical Assistant Coordinator; and Corey Moore, Ph.D., CRC, Principal Investigator and Research Director.
March 1, 2019: Directors of the Developmental Disabilities Tri-Agency pose for a photo during the annual GSAT Conference. Pictured L-R: Jermaine Alerta, Executive Director, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council; Heidi San Nicolas, Ph.D., Director, Guam CEDDERS; and Hank Parker, Executive Director, Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center.
March 1, 2019: The Agueda Johnston Middle School students from the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Program pose for a photo during the GSAT Conference with John Russell, their instructor and Kirsten Bamba and Jeannie Hollis, Educational Interpreters.
March 1, 2019: The Guam System for Assistive Technology received a legislative resolution from the Office of Senator Amanda Shelton in celebration of GSAT’s 25th Anniversary. Pictured L-R: Terrie Fejarang, CEDDERS Associate Director; Senator Amanda Shelton; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; and Dr. Heidi San Nicolas, CEDDERS Director.
March 1, 2019: GSAT was presented with a cake to celebrate 25 years of hard work and service to their community.
March 1, 2019: The Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center (GLSC-DLC) receives a Legislative Resolution from the Office of Senator Wil Castro to commemorate their 20th year during the GSAT Conference. Pictured here are staff from GLSC-DLC and Senator Wil Castro (second from left).

Guam EHDI Share Accomplishments

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
March 1, 2019: Marie Wusstig, CEDDERS Training Associate, and JJ Mendiola, Interoperability Data Manager, highlighted the two major accomplishments the Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Project achieved in 2018 during the Islands/Outlying Territories Meeting at the 2019 EHDI Conference held in Chicago, IL. Not pictured: Jenika Ballesta, CEDDERS Research Associate. These accomplishments included attaining a significant improvement in the completion rate for Diagnostic Audiological Evaluations (DAE) in 2018 and the establishment of an active parent mentoring and leadership partnership.

Pacific UCEDDS Leaders Meet in Guam

CEDDERS CORE Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
March 1, 2019: Leaders from the Pacific Region University Centers on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) attended the Pacific Basin Interagency Leadership Consortium (PBILC) Planning meeting on February 28 and the 25th Annual Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Conference held at the Westin Resort Guam on March 1. The Directors also met to discuss ways to improve collaboration efforts. (L-R): Tafaimamao Tua-Tupuola, Director, American Samoa UCEDD; Dr. Heidi San Nicolas, Director, Guam CEDDERS; and Jennifer-Eileen Castro, interim Director, CNMI UCEDD.