Guam EHDI Sustainability Planning Committee Meet

Department of Public Health & Social Services Guam Department of Education Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

October 12, 2018: The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EDHI) Sustainability Planning Committee held its first meeting to begin the development of initial plans for long term system sustainability of the universal newborn hearing screening process. Participating in the meeting were: L-R: Maggie Bell, Maternal Child Health Program Coordinator, Department of Public Health and Social Services; Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS/Guam EHDI Program Coordinator; Joseph Mendiola, Guam CEDDERS/Guam EHDI Interoperability Data Manager; Pat Mantanona, Program Coordinator, Guam Early Intervention System, Guam Department of Education; and Maggie Bell, MCH Program Coordinator, Department of Public Health and Social Services. Not shown: Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director/Guam EHDI Project Director.

President Krise Visits GSAT Model Home

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
October 11, 2018: Dr. Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director (right) and Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator (left), conduct a tour of the GSAT Model Home for Dr. Thomas Krise, the University of Guam’s new President, (center).
October 11, 2018: GSAT Center Coordinator Leah Abelon (2nd from right) speaks with Dr. Thomas Krise, UOG President; Dr. Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director; Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; and a few UOG students about assistive technology equipment available at GSAT.

GSAT Advisory Council Executive Meeting

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On October 9, 2018, the GSAT Advisory Council Executive Committee held their meeting at the GSAT Office to develop and approve the agenda for the upcoming general membership meeting scheduled for October 23, 2018. In attendance were (sitting: left to right) Thomas Manglona, Member at Large; Josephine Cortez, Member at Large; and Evelyn Duenas, Vice Chairperson. (standing: left to right) Evangelis Babauta, ASL Interpreter; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; Lourdes Ann Mesa, Chairperson; Dawn Maka, Member at Large; and Barbara Johnson, Secretary.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month Proclamation Signing

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On October 9, 2018, Lieutenant Governor Ray Tenorio signed a proclamation, declaring October, “National Disability Employment Awareness Month.” This year’s theme is, “America’s Workforce Empowering All.” Activities during the month will reinforce the values and talents people with disabilities add to the workplace. Two events will be hosted by the Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities and Pacific Human Resource Services Inc.: An Employer Conference and Community Fair on October 24 from 8am to 3:30pm at the Hotel Nikko Guam and an Applicant with Disabilities Conference Resource/Job Fair on October 27, 2018 from 8:00am to 3:30pm at the Tamuning Community Center. To culminate the month’s activities, an Appreciation Picnic is planned for November 3 at Ypao Beach from 11:00am at Pavilions F1-F3.

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Brochures Presented to Village Mayor’s Offices

Early Childhood Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

Oct. 3, 2018: The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project provided copies of the Guam EHDI brochures and the Neni Directory to the Barrigada and Mangilao Mayors’ offices. These publications promote the importance of early childhood development, developmental screening, and contact information on early childhood programs, supports, and services for families.

GMHA Medical Records Staff Receive Training on Guam ChildLink-EHDI

Department of Public Health & Social Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
On September 26, Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) Medical Records staff received training to input hearing screening information of infants born at GMHA into Guam ChildLink-EHDI. Pictured from left to right: Geraldine Dollaga, GMHA Medical Records staff; Sera Rios, GMHA Medical Records Administrator; Nova Naguit, GMHA Medical Records staff; and Joseph Mendiola, Guam EHDI Evaluator/Performance Monitor.

Guam State Rehabilitation Council General Membership Meeting

Community Services: Training Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio provides input on the SRC’s Policies / Standard Operating Procedures during the SRC General Membership Meeting on September 20, 2018.
On September 20, 2019, the Guam State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) held their General Membership Meeting at the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Conference Room. Amendments to the Policies/ Standard Operating Procedures, Resolutions and SRC Contractual Needs were discussed. In attendance were (Sitting L-R) Benito Servino, DISID Director; Leah Abelon, SRC Outreach Committee Chairperson; Lourdes Ann Mesa, SRC Chairperson; Rodney Calimlim, Member; second row L-R: Gina Arca, Member; Marie Libria, Disability Advocacy Group Representative; Barbara Johnson, Member; Marie Leon Guerrero, Member; Carol Darlow, Parent Training and Information Center Representative; Conchita San Nicolas Taitano, Member; Therese Matanane, Member; third row L-R: Eddy Reyes, SRC Treasurer; Peter Barcinas, SRC Secretary; Sam Ilesugam, Services Committee Vice Chair; and Tim Murphy, State Independent Living Council Representative. The Guam State Rehabilitation Council provides clients of the Division of Vocation Rehabilitation with a mechanism to influence the direction of rehabilitation programs in Guam at the systemic policy level. During the meeting, Conchita Taitano and Gina Arca were sworn in by Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio as new members of the SRC.