LTSAE: Tips and Tools for Monitoring and Tracking Children’s Early Development Training for Headstart Family Advocates

Community Services: Technical Assistance Community Services: Training Continuing Education
On June 22, Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate (seated left), facilitated training on “Learn the Signs. Act Early,” for Headstart Family Advocates. The “Learn the Signs. Act Early” Program aims to improve early identification of autism and other developmental disabilities in children to enable families to access needed services and supports. Not shown in picture: Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate.

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Facilitated a Learning Community Meeting

Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
Marie Wusstig and Terrie Fejarang, Guam EHDI staff members, facilitated the second Learning Community Meeting held on June 1. Learning Community participants included three parents and a sibling, a pediatrician, an audiologist, nursing supervisors from Guam Memorial Hospital Authority and Guam Regional Medical City, and representatives from Sagua Mañagu Birthing Center, Guam Early Intervention System and Guam EHDI. A lively interactive discussion took place focusing on the promotion of a Shared Plan of Care (SPoC).

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Facilitated Evaluation Work Group Meeting

Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Early Intervention System
Joseph Mendiola, Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Interoperability Manager, facilitated the Evaluation Work Group meeting with EHDI ChildLink users on June 1. Participants of the Work Group included three parents, an audiologist, and representatives from the three civilian birthing sites, Guam Memorial Hospital Authority, Sagua Mañagu Birthing Center, and Guam Regional Medical City, as well as from Guam Early Intervention System and Guam EHDI staff.

The Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Program and The Guam System for Assistive Technology Provided Information of Services During the University of Guam Triton Expo

Community Services: Model Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
On June 3, 2018, Jenika Ballesta (right), Guam EHDI Hearing Screening Faciltator, and EDLynn Beyond (left), Guam CEDDERS Student Office Assistant, share information on the Guam Hearing Detection & Intervention Project during the University of Guam Triton Expo at the Agana Shopping Center. UOG hosted the expo to showcase various university programs available.
On June 3, 2018, Shawni Acfalle, Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Center Assistant, shares information on the UbiDuo, an assistive technology device that provides a solution for face-to-face communication for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, to visitor Kyle Mandapat during the University of Guam Triton Expo at the Agana Shopping Center. UOG hosted the expo to showcase various university programs available.

GSAT Attends 7th Annual Guam Conference on Aging

Community Services: Demonstration Services Community Services: Model Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On May 31, 2018, Shawni Acfalle, Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Center Assistant, shares information about assistive technology with a participant at the 7th Annual Guam Conference on Aging hosted by the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), Division of Senior Citizens (DSC) at the Pacific Star Resort & Spa.

Guam CEDDERS Director Participates in Panel Presentation

Community Services: Model Services Continuing Education Developmental Disabilities
On Friday, May 25, 2018, Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director (left), participated in a panel discussion entitled, “Preparing the Territories- What have we learned and What Happens Now?” at the Getting it Right 2018 National Inclusive Disaster Strategies Conference held at the Marriott Metro Center, Washington DC. The panel presentation focused on a summary of the White Paper prepared by the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) with input from four of the five Territory UCEDD Directors regarding Disaster Preparedness and the role of UCEDDS. (Seated L-R): Dr. San Nicolas; Tafa Tua-Tupuola, Director, American Samoa UCEDD; Dr. Carol Salas, University of Puerto Rico UCEDD Director; Dr. Kimberly Mills, University of the Virgin Islands UCEDD Director; Daphnee Guilleume, AUCD Public Health Program Manager; and Adriane Griffen, AUCD Senior Director, Public Policy and Leadership.

Guam CEDDERS Director Attends UCEDD Meeting

Community Services: Model Services Developmental Disabilities
On May 23, 2018, Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director (second from left), met with Amie Lulinski, Coleman Institute; Dr. Kimberly Mills, University of the Virgin Islands UCEDD Director; and Tafa Tua-Tupuola, Director, American Samoa UCEDD, met to discuss the upcoming “State of the States in Developmental Disabilities” report. The group pictured is writing a letter of request for the Territories to be included as the just released RFP did not include Territories.

GSAT Attends the Ability Fair

Community Services: Demonstration Services Developmental Disabilities Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
Shawni Acfalle, GSAT Center Assistant, demonstrates an Assistive Technology device that can provide assistance for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to participants during the Ability Fair on May 18, 2018 at the Sinajana Community Center. The Fair, hosted by Guma Mami, featured the strengths of individuals with disabilities by displaying their crafts and provided an opportunity to search for employment.