GSAT In the News!

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology

The Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) partnered with KUAM to film a 5 part television series to air March 14-18, 2016, at 6:00PM during primetime on the KUAM News Channel. The series will highlight GSAT’s services and its upcoming AT Fair and will also feature Tri-agency partners Guam Legal Services Corporation Disability Law Center and Guam Developmental Disabilities Council.

Carla Torres being interviewed by Joan Charfauros

Camera man records AT devices at GSAT's AT Center.

Joan Charfauros (left), a KUAM news reporter and host of the popular show “In the Mix” interviews Carla Torres (right), GSAT Program Coordinator, on the new Assistive Technology Demonstration Center and GSAT’s services.  Also in the photos is KUAM’s cameraman Joe Termulo taking videos of the various devices the center has on display.
Joan Charfauros (top photo, left), a KUAM news reporter and host of the popular show “In the Mix” interviews Carla Torres (top photo, right), GSAT Program Coordinator, on the new Assistive Technology Demonstration Center and GSAT’s services. Also in the photos is KUAM’s cameraman Joe Termulo taking videos of the various devices the center has on display.
GSAT Program Coordinator Carla Torres (standing left) poses with KUAM news reporter Joan Aguon Charfauros (standing right) and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Arceo after filming an interview with the Arceos.  Andy Arceo recently received a GOAL-AT loan to finance an accessible van which would allow Mr.Arceo to transport and travel in his power wheelchair.  Andy shares this story and how he can now return to work as result during a 5 part series airing on KUAM News primetime.
GSAT Program Coordinator Carla Torres (standing left) poses with KUAM news reporter Joan Aguon Charfauros (standing right) and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Arceo after filming an interview with the Arceos. Andy Arceo recently received a GOAL-AT loan to finance an accessible van which would allow Mr.Arceo to transport and travel in his power wheelchair. Andy shares this story and how he can now return to work as result during a 5 part series airing on KUAM News primetime.

Guam CEDDERS attends the 2016 Dental Fair

Guam CEDDERS attends the 2016 Dental Fair

Dawn Guerrero (seated at right), Guam CEDDERS Grant Assistant, responds to questions from participants at the Dental Fair held on Sunday, February 28, 2016 at the Micronesia Mall.  On display and for dissemination were a variety of Guam CEDDERS products including Parent Activity Tip Cards, I Mandikiki' Newsletter, the 2016 Neni Directory of Services, and several brochures on the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) program and information that promotes the importance of Early Childhood Development and developmental screening.
Dawn Guerrero (seated at right), Guam CEDDERS Grant Assistant, responds to questions from participants at the Dental Fair held on Sunday, February 28, 2016 at the Micronesia Mall. On display and for dissemination were a variety of Guam CEDDERS products including Parent Activity Tip Cards, I Mandikiki’ Newsletter, the 2016 Neni Directory of Services, and several brochures on the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) program and information that promotes the importance of Early Childhood Development and developmental screening.

Dr. Gloria Weddington, San Jose University, Visits to Lay Groundwork for EPICS Scholars


On February 22-24, Gloria Weddington, Ph.D., CCC-SLP conducted “Clinical Supervision Boot Camp” for Speech Pathologists to provide an update on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) practice policy. During her visit, Dr. Weddington met with representatives from the Guam Department of Education, Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH), and Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) and an audiologist in private practice to begin the process of coordinating practicum sites for the eight Guam-based EPICS scholars.

Dr. Gloria Wedington conducting a "Clinical Supervision Boot Camp" for Speech Pathologists.
Dr. Gloria Weddington, CCC-SLP, facilitates discussion during the “Cinical Supervision Boot Camp” course held on February 22.
Dr. Gloria Weddington met with the officials from the Guam Department of Education on February 22, 2016 to provide an overview of the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Language Pathology (EPICS) Project. Pictured from left to right: Terese Crisostomo, GDOE School Program Consulatnt; Dr. Gloria Weddington, San Jose University; Erika Cruz, GDOE Deputy Superintendent, Educational Support & Community Learning; and Yolanda Gabriel, GDOE Assistant Superintendent, Division of Special Education.
Dr. Gloria Weddington met with the officials from the Guam Department of Education on February 22, 2016 to provide an overview of the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Language Pathology (EPICS) Project. Pictured from left to right: Terese Crisostomo, GDOE School Program Consulatnt; Dr. Gloria Weddington, San Jose University; Erika Cruz, GDOE Deputy Superintendent, Educational Support & Community Learning; and Yolanda Gabriel, GDOE Assistant Superintendent, Division of Special Education.
(Left to Right): Dr. Weddington mets with Keith M. Chan, DPT, Rehabilitation Services Manager at the Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) on February 23, 2016.
(Left to Right): Dr. Weddington mets with Keith M. Chan, DPT, Rehabilitation Services Manager at the Guam Regional Medical City (GRMC) on February 23, 2016.
Dr. Weddington (right) met with Alesia Ogo, OTR, Guam Memorial Hospital Chief of Rehabilitative Services (left) on February 23, 2016.
Dr. Weddington (right) met with Alesia Ogo, OTR, Guam Memorial Hospital Chief of Rehabilitative Services (left) on February 23, 2016.
EPICS Scholars pose with Dr. Gloria Weddington after a day of training on February 24, 2016. Pictured from left to right are: Jasmin Advani, Gabrielle Duenas, John Payne, Cassandra Dimla, Dr. Weddington, Lisa Eclavea, Arthur Agbadu, and Diane Supido.  Not shown: Lillian Reyes.
EPICS Scholars pose with Dr. Gloria Weddington after a day of training on February 24, 2016. Pictured from left to right are: Jasmin Advani, Gabrielle Duenas, John Payne, Cassandra Dimla, Dr. Weddington, Lisa Eclavea, Arthur Agbadu, and Diane Supido. Not shown: Lillian Reyes.

Guam Homeless Coalition receives the Neni Directory

Representatives receiving the 2016 Neni Directory from Guam CEDDERS.
Guam CEDDERS presented 600 copies of the 2016 Neni Directory to the Guam Homeless Coalition on January 27, 2016. Receiving the directory on behalf of the Coalition were representatives from Sanctuary Incorporated. Pictured from left to right, Sherry Guerrero, Guam CEDDERS; Tiffany Paulino, Sanctuary Incorporated; Eugene Anderson, Sanctuary Incorporated; and Ruth Leon Guerrero, Guam CEDDERS.

Promoting Self-Advocacy

4 individuals sitting around a table.
2016 marks the 10 year anniversary of I Linå’lå-ta “Our Life’ newsletter. To commemorate this milestone, Guam CEDDERS met with Lynn and Andrew Tydingco to discuss the process of passing the torch of producing the newsletter to Self-Advocates in Action (SiñA) for years to come. Attending this initial meeting were (L-R, clockwise) Andrew Tydingco, SiñA Representative, Sherry Guerrero, Guam CEDDERS, Lynn Tydingco, SiñA Representative, and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS.

Guam EHDI Hearing Screening Training

Renee Koffend, AuD., CCC-AuD conducting a training to 3 GMH nurses.
Renee Koffend, AuD., CCC-AuD, Guam CEDDERS consultant, conducted hearing screening training on the AuDx device at the Guam Memorial Hospital Obstetrics Ward on Friday, January 22, 2016. Attending this training were (L-R), Michelle Censon (not pictured), Rosemary Bustamante, May Caligua, Emily Bejado, and Renee Koffend.

Guam EHDI Advisory Committee Meeting

The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Project Advisory Committee held its quarterly meeting on December 14, 2015.  Topics covered included updates from birth sites and Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) on the status of new born hearing screenings and intervention services for newborns that require hearing services. Committee Members also provided feedback and input about the various Guam EHDI activities and goals to ensure that all babies receive a hearing screening before discharge, diagnostic audiological evaluation before 3 months of age, and early intervention services by 6 months of age.
The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Project Advisory Committee held its quarterly meeting on December 14, 2015. Topics covered included updates from birth sites and Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) on the status of new born hearing screenings and intervention services for newborns that require hearing services. Committee Members also provided feedback and input about the various Guam EHDI activities and goals to ensure that all babies receive a hearing screening before discharge, diagnostic audiological evaluation before 3 months of age, and early intervention services by 6 months of age.