Key CLC Milestones Documented by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Training Members of CLASP (Culture and Language Access Services Partners) hold up documents reflecting key accomplishments reached by the coalition (CLASP was formed in 2013 to promote awareness about Language Access Services). Among the documents shown are: a) a copy of the Executive Order signed by the governor requiring all government entities including boards and commissions to develop Language Access Plans to address the language needs of its organizations as required by federal mandates and Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards in Health and Health Care; b) a copy of “Beyond Mandates: Language Access Services in Guam,” a publication by UOG CEDDERS outlining the significance of LAS as a strategy to address disparities in services. The publication also documents local efforts to address language equity across the system of services on Guam; and, c) the PEACE Council packet with a cover letter from the Council that will be disseminated to all organizations informing them of the Executive Order and the resources available to help comply with the Executive Order. Front Left to Right: Tisha Flores, DYA; Dorothy Manglona, GCC; Kirsten Rosario, GCC; Back Left to Right: Alex Silverio, DPHSS-GOMH; Ignacio Guerrero, GBHWC; Leilani Duenas, GCC-AHEC; Mariles Benavente, UOG CEDDERS-Project Karinu; Maria Perez, GMHA; Peter Alexis Ada, DYA.The next quarterly CLASP meeting will be held in February 2017. Please call any of the members shown above for more information about CLASP and/or about the Executive Order No. 2015-015.
GCC Deaf/Hard of Hearing Program Thanksgiving Celebration by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Leah Abelon, GSAT AT Center Coordinator, demonstrates an Assistive Technology device to the students from Agueda I. Johnston Middle School (AIJMS) at the GCC Multipurpose Auditorium on November 17. On the left, Kirsten Bamba, GCC ASL Instructor, interpreted for the students. This event took place during the Guam Community College’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program Thanksgiving Celebration. Also pictured here is AIJMS Instructor John Russell.
GDDC Swears In New Members by Guam CEDDERS Developmental Disabilities On November 17, Joseph Mendiola, CEDDERS Interoperability Data Manager, was sworn in as a new member of the Guam Developmental Disabilities Council. The ceremony was held at the Lieutenant Governor’s office and conducted by Acting Governor Ray Tenorio. Mr. Mendiola was appointed for a four-year term by the Governor to the Council and will be representing Guam CEDDERS.
GSAT Conference and Fair Planning Committee Meeting by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Systems for Assistive Technology GSAT Conference and Fair Planning Committee held its second meeting to discuss the upcoming conference and fair on November 15. In attendance were (Clockwise from top left), Ben Servino, DISID/DVR,DSS Director; Mary Kidd, GSAT Consultant; Evangelis Babauta, ASL Interpreter; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; Josie Cortez, Member; Evelyn Duenas, Member; Jennifer Vicente, Guam Legal Services – Disability Law Center (GLSC-DLC) Representative; Barbara Johnson, Vice-Chairperson; and Raymond Sayas, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC) Representative.
Students in GCC’s ASL Class attend Assistive Technology Demonstration by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, conducted an Assistive Technology demonstration on November 9, for 32 students enrolled in American Sign Language Classes at Guam Community College taught by Jude Ogo and Kirsten Bamba. Shown here are (L-R) Peejay Bout and Lawrence Hadley, checking out the Smartview Graduate.
Guam CEDDERS Presents Books to Southern Region Community Health Center by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Model Services On November 9, Jenika Ballesta (left) and Coleen Dela Cruz (not pictured), Guam CEDDERS, presented books to Dr. Weare, M.D. (right) at the Southern Region Community Health Center as part of the Reach Out and Read Program.
Guam EHDI Meets with GMHA Personnel by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention On November 10, Avelina “Bing” Opena (right), Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Nursing Supervisor, met with Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate and Guam EHDI Project Coordinator (left), on the progress of the hearing screenings conducted in the NICU. Further discussion focused on newborn hearing screening system sustainability.On November 10, Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate and Guam EHDI Project Coordinator, shares ideas with Renee Veksler, Guam Memorial Hospital (GMHA) Health Educator and Acting Program Coordinator of the Education Department, on future prenatal classes, EHDI services offered to expecting mothers, and system sustaibability. Apearing in the photo are (L-R) Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate; Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; and Renee Veksler, Guam Memorial Hospital (GMHA) Health Educator and Acting Program Coordinator of the Education Department.
Nursing Students Visits GSAT by Guam CEDDERS Uncategorized Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, demonstrated Assistive Technology devices to 5 seniors from the University of Guam School of Nursing & Health Services on November 1. Resources gathered will be shared with classmates in the Community Health Nursing course taught by Karen Cruz, RN, MPH.
Guam Early Learning Council Quarterly Meeting by Guam CEDDERS Guam Early Learning Council Vera Blaz, Project Tinituhon Project Coordinator (third from left), talks about the islandwide Developmental and Behavioral Screening System (iDBSS) standard operating procedures for endorsement by council members during the Guam Early Learning Council quarterly meeting on November 1 at the Governor’s Complex in Adelup.
Project Bisita Domestic Violence Webinar by Guam CEDDERS Community Services: Training Project Bisita held a Domestic Violence webinar on November 4 at Guam CEDDERS. Project Bisita and Kariñu staff members were in attendance. Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, facilitated the webinar.