McREL Consultant Meets with Stakeholders

Community Services: Technical Assistance

Guam DOE stakeholders gather at the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Summit

Community Services: Technical Assistance Community Services: Training

Dr. Scott Ross from Utah State University, presented the basics of Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) at the PBIS Summit held on Friday, February 20 at the Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort. Approximately 209 individuals, consisting of GDOE administrators, teachers, parents, and students were in attendance for this presentation, facilitated by Nieves Flores, Ed.D., Guam CEDDERS Consultant.​

Policy Makers Hear Updates From Advocates on Guam’s Disability Agenda

Self-Advocacy Uncategorized

Territorial UCEDD Reps Meet with AUCD Leaders



Representatives from territorial UCEDDs pose for photo.
Representatives from the University Centers on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) from the U.S. territories met with Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Board Members and staff after the association’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. on November 13, to provide an orientation on each of the entities and to begin discussions on the collective and unique needs of the group. Seated (L-R): Tafaimamao Tua-Tupuola, American Samoa UCEDD Direcotor; Floyd Masga, CNMI UCEDD Project Coordinator; Leslie Cohen, J.D., Sonora UCEDD Director and AUCD President; Olivia Raynor, Ph.D., Tarjan UCEDD Director, UCLA & AUCD President-Elect; Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director. Second Row (L-R): Annie Alonzo Amador, PsyD, Puerto Rico UCEDD Director; June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; Carol Salas Pagan, PsyD, Puerto Rico UCEDD Associate Director; Rachel Paterson, AUCD Policy Manager; Tanisha Clark, AUCD Program Specialist; Kelly Roberts, Ph.D., Pacific Basin UCEDD Director. Back Row (L-R): Andrew Imparato, J.D., AUCD Executive Director; Yegin Habtes, Ph.D., Virgin Islands UCEDD Director; Dawn Rudolph, AUCD Director for Technical Assistance; Michael Gamel-McCormick, Ph.D., AUCD Associate Executive Director for Research & Policy.
People at meeting looking at presentation on screen.
Floyd Masga (standing) describes programs and services available in the CNMI during the Territories Meeting with AUCD Board and staff members.

Early Childhood Providers Attend ASQ Training

Department of Public Health & Social Services Early Childhood
Vera Blaz presenting to a crowded room.
Vera Blaz (standing), Project TInituhon Project Coordinator, talks about the islandwide Developmental and Behavioral Screening System (iDBSS) pilot program on November 8 at the UOG School of Business and Public Administration.
Elaine Eclavea presenting to a crowded room.
Elaine Eclavea (standing), Project Tinituhon Project Director, talks about the importance of early intervention and the benefits of screening.
Service provider in a large group photo.
Early Childhood providers from the island’s child care centers pose for a group picture at the end of training.

Early Intervention Receives SSIP Support

Guam Department of Education Guam Early Intervention System
Participants listen to consultant on screen.
Guam Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)/Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) work session, at the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) conference room, on October 30. The work session took place via video teleconference with consultants from the Center for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Early Childhood Data Systems also known as DaSy and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) to provide technical assistance to GEIS, on their SSIP. Present: GEIS Staff, ICC Members, on screen – Taletha Derrington from DaSy, ECTA consultants Evelyn Shaw & Anne Lucas via telephone conference call.  Guam CEDDERS provides various supports to their partnering agencies, including video conferencing capabilities using a state of the art high definition Polycom video teleconference system.

Students Connect History to Current Disability Issues

Disability Studies
Students looking at screen.
John Acfalle​ (standing pointing to screen)​, student of the Historical and Contemporary Perspectives of Disability class, shares his experiences of bringing two individuals, who grew up in an institutional setting, into his family home.​ ​His video depicts the advantage and normalcy of small family settings over group home housing.​ ​John shared his experiences of camping up and down the western states with his new family members, Willie and Charlie, and the experience of Charlie meeting his sisters for the first time. Engaged in the presentation are Guam CEDDERS staff members​.​ Standing from left to right: Leilani ​Lafaele, Tia Pereda​, and Sherr​y​ Guerrero.