Scholars in the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech (EPICS) Project completed the final two courses to fulfill the undergraduate requirements for the San Jose State University graduate program in speech language pathology. The courses, EDSP 112: Treatment and Management of Speech Language Disorders and EDSP124: Assessment & Evaluation, were taught on-site, the first face to face courses, by Jean Jackson, CCC-SLP, SJSU adjunct professor from June 5 – July 7, at house 24, Dean’s Circle, UOG.
Shown above are: L-R: Front Row (kneeling): Gabriella Duenas, Meagan Merfalen, Ignacio Dela Cruz, Aileen Serrano, Bobbie Avelano. Second Row: Diane Supido, Cassandra Dimla, Megan Terlaje, Lillian Reyes, Tricia Tatiana, Camille Onglao, Liahlanni Cruz, Catherine Ruszala, and Jean Jackson, CCC-SLP, Professor. Third Row: Jasmin Advani, John Payne, Lisa Ecalvea, Christina Cole, Tatiana Perez, and JJ Mendiola.
Lillian Reyes presents a plaque of the Seal of Guam as a token of the scholars’ appreciation to Professor Jean Jackson.
Guam CEDDERS facilitated a two-day State Systemic Improvement Plan Workshop for four elementary schools on August 14-15 at the Guam Hilton. Approximately 160 faculty, administrators, and related staff from Price, MU Lujan, JM Guerrero, and Chief Brodie Elementary Schools attended the event.
Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS consultant, conducted a workshop on “Learn the Signs Act Early” for child care directors on August 12 at the Jesus and Eugenio Leon Guerrero Building, University of Guam.
Marie Wusstig (Left), Guam CEDDERS Training Associate and Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Project Coordinator, conducts hands-on training on the Bio-logic AuDx, Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) equipment with Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) nurses in preparation for the upcoming High-Risk Hearing Rescreen Clinic for infants needing follow-up screening. The OAE training took place at DPHSS Central on Friday, August 11.Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate and Guam EHDI Hearing Screening Facilitator, discusses the different types of Newborn Hearing Screening Forms for the birthing sites with DPHSS nurses during the Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Training on Friday, August 11 at DPHSS Central.Guam EHDI staff and DPHSS nurses and MCH administrator gathered for a group photo after the completion of the OAE Screening Training session that took place on Friday, August 11 at DPHSS Central. Left to right: Leonel Arcangel, RN; Marilyn Dela Cruz, NA; Ofelia Elayda, RN; Ma. Gwen Yanesa, RN; Christina Jung, Research Associate, Guam CEDDERS, Hearing Screening Facilitator, Guam EHDI; Margarita Gay, Administrator Community Health & Nursing Services, DPHSS; Rosario Realica, RN; Lynn Okada, RN; Sherill Tinio, RN; Ester Gutierrez, NA.
Key contributors and collaborative partners who guided the production of the “Fino’ Siha Put Kinalamten Salut Yan Inutet Gi I Fino’ CHamoru (Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary in Chamoru)” celebrated the release of the publication during a ceremony held on August 4 at the Senator Antonio M. Palomo Guam Museum and Educational Facility in Hågatña. (Left to Right): Zita Pangelinan, Dr. Lilli Perez, Rosa Palomo, Ronald Laguana, Rufina Mendiola, Joey Franquez, Mariles Benavente, editor, Terrie Fejarang, Ann Rivera, Teresita Flores, Helene Paulino, Terry Aguon, Tasha Tydingco, and Dr. Pat Taimanglo.
A book launch ceremony was held on August 4 to celebrate the release of the first edition of the “Fino’ Siha Put Kinalamten Salut Yan Inutet Gi I Fino’ CHamoru (Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary in Chamoru).”
The CHamoru glossary aims to facilitate communication about mental illness and disabilities in the CHamoru language.”Although not an exhaustive glossary, it can help CHamoru speakers use other words and phrases to describe the conditions being experienced, endured, and/or observed,” said Mariles Benavente, MSW, ACSW, Editor of the Glossary and former Guam CEDDERS Cultural and Linguistic Competence Consultant. “The Glossary serves as an important community resource. Hopefully, the use of the Glossary can help evoke more informed decisions about getting, and giving, the right kind of help, or to better arm others to respond with more compassion and understanding towards those who face these challenges.”
Critical to the successful publication of the Glossary was the partnership with an exceptional team of CHamoru Language Specialists: Rufina Mendiola, Ronald Laguaña, Maria Ana Rivera, Rosa Palomo, Teresita Flores, Joseph Franquez, and Dr. Patricia Taimanglo, a clinical psychologist who served as the content specialist. Contributors to the book include Dr. Lilli Perez, Dr. Tricia Lizama, Zita Pangelinan and well-known artist, Dr. Judy Flores.
The production of this Glossary was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the University of Guam’s Center of Excellence for Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS), Project Kariñu and Guam LAUNCH under the Department of Public Health and Social Services, and the PEACE Program under the Prevention and Training Branch of the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center.
Guam CEDDERS participated in the signing of a proclamation declaring August as “Breastfeeding Awareness Month” on Guam. This year’s World Breastfeeding Week theme is “Sustaining Breastfeeding Together.” Guam has a comprehensive breastfeeding protection law, The Nana yan Patgon Act (PL 32-098), which protects and supports a mother’s right to breastfeed anywhere and anytime, and to express milk for her child while working or going to school. Acting Governor Ray Tenorio presided at the event held on August 2 and attended by numerous breastfeeding advocates and government representatives.
On July 28, the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT), held an Open House for the Accessible Model Home and Demonstration Center. The Model Home features various Assistive Technology (AT) Devices, furniture, and appliances to help individuals with disabilities live independent lives. Among those that visited GSAT’s Model Home were (sitting,L-R) Dallas Taijeron; Edward Mendiola; and Tom Manglona. (Standing, L-R) Jana Mendiola; Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director; John Guiao, Sherolyn Guerrero, Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS; Marie Libria, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC); Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, Guam CEDDERS; Barbara Johnson; Kirsten Bamba, Guam Community College (GCC).Leah Abelon (right), GSAT Center Coordinator, demonstrates various functions of the adjustable bed to Rosanne Ada (left), GDDC Director.Christina Jung (right), Guam CEDDERS Research Associate, interacts with Barbara Johnson (left), using an AT device called Ubi Duo.
The Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Advisory Council, held their General Membership Meeting on July 25. Pictured Left, clockwise: Tom Manglona; Barbara Johnson, Vice Chairperson; Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director; Lou Mesa, Secretary; Rudy Ignacio, Chairperson; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; Josephine Cortez, Member at Large; Lee Perez; Kirsten Bamba, ASL Interpreter; and Raymond Sayas, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC) Representative.
On July 24, Sherolyn Guerrero, Guam CEDDERS Disability Media Specialist, Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, and Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate, conducted a training on Document and Website Accessibility at the Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID). The training was part of several events hosted by DISID in celebration of the 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Seventeen individuals attended the training, which included representatives from the Judiciary of Guam, Guam Community College, Department of Labor, Guam Housing & Urban Renewal Authority (GHURA), DISID, and Flametree.
From June 13 – 16, Cohort 6 Project LAUNCH grantees gathered in Rockville, Maryland for the Summer 2017 Grantee Training Institute. The Training Institute was an opportunity to learn new strategies and gain support and guidance from national experts, graduated Project LAUNCH sites, and other Cohort 6 grantees. During the Training Institute, CEDDERS Training Associate, Bonnie Brandt, and Guam LAUNCH Project Director, Helene Paulino, co-presented during a break out session titled: Culturally Grounded Approaches to Supporting Families and Communities through Project LAUNCH. Their presentation highlighted the Cultural Cafés which CEDDERS facilitated in 2016 to gather and validate information about cultural values, strengths, and practices that might influence families’ participation in Guam LAUNCH activities. During the presentation, participants were provided with an overview of the cultural café process, key findings, and recommendations for how this strategy might support decision making related to cultural adaptations in service delivery and evaluation.