by Guam CEDDERSOn July 28, the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT), held an Open House for the Accessible Model Home and Demonstration Center. The Model Home features various Assistive Technology (AT) Devices, furniture, and appliances to help individuals with disabilities live independent lives. Among those that visited GSAT’s Model Home were (sitting,L-R) Dallas Taijeron; Edward Mendiola; and Tom Manglona. (Standing, L-R) Jana Mendiola; Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director; John Guiao, Sherolyn Guerrero, Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS; Marie Libria, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC); Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, Guam CEDDERS; Barbara Johnson; Kirsten Bamba, Guam Community College (GCC).Leah Abelon (right), GSAT Center Coordinator, demonstrates various functions of the adjustable bed to Rosanne Ada (left), GDDC Director.Christina Jung (right), Guam CEDDERS Research Associate, interacts with Barbara Johnson (left), using an AT device called Ubi Duo.Community Services: Demonstration ServicesCommunity Services: Model ServicesGuam Systems for Assistive Technology