Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood (EC) Consultant facilitated the Early Childhood Coaching booster training with the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) Staff on May 3, 2018 at the University of Guam.
Help Me Grow Care Coordinators Training
Community Services: Training Department of Public Health & Social Services Guam Early Intervention SystemElaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant, and Vera Blaz, CEDDERS Training Associate (not pictured), facilitated the Help Me Grow Care Coordinators training on April 30, 2018 at the GSAT Conference Room. Twenty staff from Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) and Department of Public Health and Social Services attended the training.
Guam EHDI Participates in the DPHSS Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair.
Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & InterventionGuam CEDDERS Attends Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Proclamation Signing
Community Services: Demonstration Services Department of Public Health & Social ServicesDOE Student Receives Device Loan from GSAT
Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive TechnologyGuam CEDDERS Participates in Social Work Practicum Fair
Community Services: Demonstration Services Continuing Education Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive TechnologyGuam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Along with Guam System for Assistive Technology Attend the 11th Annual Autism Awareness Fair
Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive TechnologyGuam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Facilitate a Workgroup Evaluation Meeting
Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Early Hearing Detection & InterventionGuam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Participates in the 2018 Interactive Parent Conference: Power of Play
Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & InterventionGuam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) staff participated at The Power of Play, a community outreach event for parents and children birth to eight years, held at various locations around the island. Guam EHDI Staff provided information to a diverse group of parents to increase awareness of the importance of hearing screening and how hearing impacts language development in young children.
Interdisciplinary Training for Guam Early Interventionists
Interdisciplinary Pre-Service PreparationIn partnership with the University of Southern California, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (USC-UCEDD) at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), Guam CEDDERS facilitated a four-day interdisciplinary training conducted by three CHLA consultants: Irina Zamora, Psy.D., Shelby Surfas, OTD, and C. Blake French, M.S., CCC-SLP. Thirty early intervention and preschool providers from the Guam Department of Education and Department of Public Health and Social Services attended the four-day training on December 4-7 at the University of Guam School of Business Building Room 129. The purpose for the training was to build capacity of early interventionists (EI) on the early identification and delivery of services for young children with developmental delays. The interdisciplinary training curriculum was designed to increase the knowledge of EI providers in the following topical areas: 1) social-emotional development of young children; 2) language development of children with disabilities; 3) strategies to address language delays in young children; red flags for autism; 4) partnering with parents when providing early intervention services; 5) sensory differences in young children; 6) feeding challenges and feeding therapy; and 7) understanding and addressing the impact of trauma in children with disabilities. The training curriculum was delivered within the Guam EI program’s coaching model and framework for implementation and sustainability, which included “live practice” of the strategies reviewed with young children and their families. In addition, the CHLA consultants facilitated an evening dialogue session with nine parents of children with developmental delays. The session, “Supporting Your Child in Early Intervention,” provided an opportunity for parents to share their successes, challenges, and to ask questions of other parents and the CHLA consultants. At the end, one parent remarked how she learned so much from listening to other parents share their stories.