Project Bisita I Familia Advisory Committee Meeting

Department of Public Health & Social Services Project Bisita I Familia
Project Bisita I Familia staff held its Advisory Committee meeting on May 23 at the Lagu Resource Center, Dededo. (Standing; L-R): Maria Dixon, Administrative Assistant; Pat Mantanona​, Program Coordinator​​; Diana Santos, Social Worker; Nahleen Heard, HRSA/MCHB Project Officer; Vera Blaz, Training Associate; Terry Aguon,​ Human Service Program Administrator​; Helene Paulino, Program Coordinator; Relida Sumaylo, Project Supervisor; JJ Mendiola, Data Coordinator.(Kneeling; L-R): Sherill Tinio, Home Visitor; Audrey Topasna, Program Coordinator; Margarita Gay, Project Director; Jenika Ballesta, CQI Coordinator; Elizabeth Calvo, Social Marketing Coordinator.

DPHSS Project Bisita I Familia Staff Attend Site Review Exit Conference

Community Services: Training Project Bisita I Familia
Project Bisita I Familia held an exit conference on May 26, to discuss the summary of findings from the federal on-site visit conducted by the Region IX Project Officer and representatives from The Bizzell Group, project consultants. Pictured (L-R): Diana Santos, DPHSS Social Worker; Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate and Bisita, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)Coordinator; Vera Blaz; Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Margarita Gay, DPHSS Bisita Project Director; JJ Mendiola, Guam CEDDERS Interoperability Data Manager; Maria Dixon, DPHSS Bisita Administrative Assistant; James Gillan, DPHSS Director; Audrey Topasna, DPHSS Bisita Program Coordinator; Relida Sumaylo, DPHSS Bisita Project Supervisor; Sherill Tinio, DPHSS Bisita Home Visitor; Ronda Waller, Programmatic Reviewer, Bizzell Group; Nahleen Heard, KRSA/MCHB Project Officer; George Dines, Fiscal Reviewer Bizzell Group.

Better Hearing and Speech Month Outreach

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month and this year’s theme is Communication: The Key to Connection. On May 13, two of Guam CEDDERS projects, the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) and Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI), participated in the Better Hearing and Speech Outreach event hosted by the Marianas Alliance of Speech and Hearing Professionals (MASHP) at Guam Premier Outlets. (Pictured standing left, clockwise) Mel Torre, GDOE Speech Pathologist; Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator; David Zieber, MASHP Member; and Royanne Salas, SpEd Teacher.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month Proclamation Signing

Community Services: Technical Assistance Project Kariñu
Guam CEDDERS along with staff from the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) Karinu, Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center (GBHWC), Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID), Superior Court of Guam, the Guam Fire Department, Office of the Governor and Lt. Governor, and children and families from Karinu and GBHWC attended the Proclamation Signing for Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month on Friday, April 28th at the Governor’s Conference Room in Adelup. Acting Governor Ray Tenorio signed the Proclamation to declare the Month of May as Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Guam CEDDERS continues to provide support for Children’s Mental Health in our role as the evaluator for Karinu, Guam’s Early Childhood System of Care and Wellness Promotion & Prevention for young children birth to age 5.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month Proclamation Signing

On March 2, Acting Governor Ray Tenorio signed a proclamation declaring March “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month ​and​ ​Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Day.” This year’s theme is “It Matters to Me, Family is Everything.” The month of March has a​ ​range ​of activities in celebration of the Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month that also includes the Guam System for Assistive Technology Fair on March 4 at the Micronesia Mall and 23rd Annual GSAT Conference on March 10 at the Westin Resort Guam.

Project Tinituhon & Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (Guam EHDI) Participated in the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Fair

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Tinituhon

Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate (seated), shares information with parents on the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program during the DPHSS Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair, at the Micronesia Mall on January 7.
Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate (seated), shares information with parents on the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program during the DPHSS Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair, at the Micronesia Mall on January 7.
Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, shares information about Project Tinituhon and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) at Department of Public Health & Social Services (DPHSS) Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair held at the Micronesia Mall on January 7. ASQ is a developmental screening tool used to learn more about a child’s development.
Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, shares information about Project Tinituhon and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) at Department of Public Health & Social Services (DPHSS) Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair held at the Micronesia Mall on January 7. ASQ is a developmental screening tool used to learn more about a child’s development.

Guam ChildLink Training

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
Joseph Mendiola, Guam CEDDERS Interoperability Data Manager, conducted training on accessing the Guam ChildLink – EHDI database for service coordinators from the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS), Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education. Shown here, right to left are Mr. Mendiola, and GEIS service coordinators Mike Cepeda, Therese Sanchez, R-Leen Mario, Fran Camacho, and Evangeline Ojeda (back to camera)