Guam CEDDERS Facilitated a Workshop on Early Childhood Coaching

Community Services: Technical Assistance Community Services: Training
Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood (EC) Consultant and Sherry Cruz, Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) Teacher, facilitated the Early Childhood Coaching workshop on August 14 & 15. Twenty-five (25) participants from GEIS and DPHSS Karinu and Project Bisita attended the 2-day event held at the Jesus and Eugenia Leon Guerrero School of Business and Public Administration (SBPA) Building at the University of Guam.
Isabella Fagota, Karinu; Grace Loyola, GEIS; Nicole Tydingco, GEIS; Bertha Kachita, Karinu; and Mike Cepeda, GEIS, participate in a group activity during the Early Childhood Coaching event.
Sherry Cruz summarizes the information provided by one of the groups during the large group report out during the Early Childhood Coaching workshop. (L-R) Sherry Cruz, GEIS; Gajee Parsons, GEIS; Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS; and Liz Blas, GEIS.
GEIS staff read through handouts during a group activity at the Early Childhood Coaching workshop. (L-R) Gajee Parsons, Liz Blas, Bert Cabrera, and Nicole Tydingco.
Elaine Eclavea provides key points of the Reflective Questioning process while participants engage in the information provided during the Early Childhood Coaching workshop on August 15.

Guam CEDDERS Facilitated a Training on Related Service Delivery System: Evidence-Based Practices

Community Services: Technical Assistance Community Services: Training
On August 14​-15​, Verna Chinen, M.S., CCC-SLP​ (pictured above)​, in collaboration with Guam CEDDERS​ and ​Division of Special Education, Guam Department of Education, facilitated training ​on “​Related Service Delivery System: Evidence-Based Practices​” for personnel from the Speech and Related Services unit of the Division. The two-day training was held at the Hilton Guam Resort & Spa.

Guam CEDDERS Facilitated a Two-Day State Systemic Improvement Plan Workshop for Four Elementary Schools

Community Services: Technical Assistance Community Services: Training

Guam CEDDERS facilitated a two-day State Systemic Improvement Plan Workshop for four elementary schools on August 14-15 at the Guam Hilton. Approximately 160 faculty, administrators, and related staff from Price, MU Lujan, JM Guerrero, and Chief Brodie Elementary Schools attended the event.

SSIP attendees sitting around a table participating in SSIP workshop. SSIP attendees sitting around a table participating in SSIP workshop. SSIP attendees sitting around a table participating in SSIP workshop. SSIP attendees sitting around a table participating in SSIP workshop. Two men talking to each other during the SSIP workshop. Woman using a microphone to speak to participants of the SSIP workshop. SSIP attendees sitting around a table posing for a photo. Group of SSIP workshop attendees taking time out for a photo.

Bridging Yet Another Health Gap: Chamoru Glossary on Behavioral Health and Disabilities Is Now Available

CEDDERS CORE Community Services: Technical Assistance Continuing Education
Key contributors and collaborative partners who guided the production of the ​“Fino’ Siha Put Kinalamten Salut Yan Inutet Gi I Fino’ CHamoru (Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary in Chamoru)” celebrated the release of the publication during a ceremony held on August 4 at the Senator Antonio M. Palomo Guam Museum and Educational Facility in Hågatña. (Left to Right): Zita Pangelinan, Dr. Lilli Perez, Rosa Palomo, Ronald Laguana, Rufina Mendiola, Joey Franquez, Mariles Benavente, editor, Terrie Fejarang, Ann Rivera, Teresita Flores, Helene Paulino, Terry Aguon, Tasha Tydingco, and Dr. Pat Taimanglo.

A book launch ceremony was held on August 4 to celebrate the release of the first edition of the “Fino’ Siha Put Kinalamten Salut Yan Inutet Gi I Fino’ CHamoru (Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary in Chamoru).”

The CHamoru glossary aims to facilitate communication about mental illness and disabilities in the CHamoru language.”Although not an exhaustive glossary, it can help CHamoru speakers use other words and phrases to describe the conditions being experienced, endured, and/or observed,” said Mariles Benavente, MSW, ACSW, Editor of the Glossary and former Guam CEDDERS Cultural and Linguistic Competence Consultant. “The Glossary serves as an important community resource. Hopefully, the use of the Glossary can help evoke more informed decisions about getting, and giving, the right kind of help, or to better arm others to respond with more compassion and understanding towards those who face these challenges.”

Critical to the successful publication of the Glossary was the partnership with an exceptional team of CHamoru Language Specialists: Rufina Mendiola, Ronald Laguaña, Maria Ana Rivera, Rosa Palomo, Teresita Flores, Joseph Franquez, and Dr. Patricia Taimanglo, a clinical psychologist who served as the content specialist. Contributors to the book include Dr. Lilli Perez, Dr. Tricia Lizama, Zita Pangelinan and well-known artist, Dr. Judy Flores.

The production of this Glossary was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the University of Guam’s Center of Excellence for Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS), Project Kariñu and Guam LAUNCH under the Department of Public Health and Social Services, and the PEACE Program under the Prevention and Training Branch of the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center.

Early Childhood Comprehensive System Evaluation and Planning Forum

Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Launch

Participants of the Early Childhood Comprehensive System Evaluation & Planning Forum posed for a photo at the end of the day. The forum was held on May 19, 2017 at the Dusit Thani Resort Guam.
Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, facilitates group discussion with the Early Learning Workgroup. Pictured (L-R) Cindy Respicio, Head Start; Leonel Arcangel, DPHSS; Gerry Huffer & Jenny Huffer, Adventures in Learning; and Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS.
Participants enjoyed the energizer activity “Peel the Banana” which was led by Jenika Ballesta & Vera Blaz during the Early Childhood Comprehensive System Evaluation & Planning Forum.
Bonnie Brandt, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, gives a thumbs up during her data presentation at the Early Childhood Comprehensive System Evaluation & Planning Forum on May 19, 2017.

Filming Begins for GSAT Promotional Video

Community Services: Technical Assistance

Guam CEDDERS, through the assistance of Interactive Digital Marketing (IDM), began filming scenes for an upcoming GSAT video to promote the center’s model home, assistive technology, and Akudi services.

Rowell Guanlao, Interactive Digital Marketing (IDM); Leah Abelon, Guam CEDDERS, Sara Evangelista, Interactive Digital Marketing; and Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS.
Rowell Guanlao, IDM; Sara Evangelista, IDM; and Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS.

Project Bisita I Familia Planning Meeting

Community Services: Technical Assistance Department of Public Health & Social Services Project Bisita I Familia
On May 11, Project Bisita I Familia staff held a planning meeting to review the agenda for the federal on-site visit with the Region IX Project Officer and representatives from The Bizzell Group. Pictured (L-R): Maria Dixon, Administrative Assistant; Elizabeth Calvo, Social Marketing Coordinator; Relida Sumaylo, Project Supervisor; Sherill Tinio, Home Visitor; Audrey Topasna, Program Coordinator; Margarita Gay, Project Director; JJ Mendiola, Data Coordinator. Not Pictured Jenika Ballesta, CQI Coordinator.

Donna McNear, Vision Instruction (VI) Consultant, Provided Technical Assistance to the Palau Department of Education

Community Services: Technical Assistance

Donna McNear, Vision Instruction (VI) Consultant, provided technical assistance to the Palau Department of Education on May 1-2 and to the Guam DOE on May 4-10.

Donna met with Darlene Taimanglo, Guam Teacher of Visionally Impaired to discuss teaching strategies on May 10.
Donna met with Madilde Gresham, a parent of a child with a VI on May 10.