GEIS Facilitates Guam Early Intervention Parent Training
by Guam CEDDERSOn August 23, 2018 Guam CEDDERS in collaboration with Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) facilitated the “Learning Together: Parent Training”. There were 6 parents that attended the 2-hour training entitles: Tips for Promoting Your Child’s Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs. Early Childhood Consultant, Elaine Eclavea facilitated the training. Mrs. Eclavea began the first part of the training by presenting the importance of building relationships and quality time with your child. Participants discussed in depth the five tips for encouraging your child and the how important it is for parents to practice these with your child: Tip 1: Get your child’s attention; 2) Use behavior specific language; 3) Keep it simple – avoid combining encouragement with criticism; 4) Encourage with enthusiasm; 5) Double the impact with physical warmth; and 6) Use positive comments and encouragement with your child in front of others. Participants shared stories on how to supports these 5 strategies. In addition, Ms. Eclavea discussed how children learn through PLAY and that parents need to follow the child’s lead – and wait, watch, and then join in their child’s play. The next Learning Together Parent Training is scheduled for September 6, 2018 for information please call GEIS at 300-5776. L-R: Lorilyn Staana, Sandra Leyner, Ana Lyn Flores, Susan Dugan, & Elaine Eclavea.Early ChildhoodGuam Early Intervention System