GSAT and Guam EHDI attend Breastfeeding Awareness Month Fair
by Guam CEDDERSOn August 24, 2019, Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) participated in the 6th Annual Breast Feeding Awareness Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. GSAT shared information on various assistive technology available to assist children with communication and limited fine and gross motor skills. (Pictured L-R) Shawni Acfalle, GSAT AT Center Assistant; and Leah Abelon, GSAT Program Coordinator.On August 24, 2019, Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) and Guam Positive Parents Together (GPPT), participated in the 6th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. Guam EHDI and GPPT shared information about the importance of initial hearing screening for newborns and the parent support group available to assist families of children identified with a hearing loss. (Pictured L-R) Bernadine Reyes, Guam CEDDERS Office Assistant; fair participant, and Bobbie Afjelle, GPPT Support Staff.Community Services: Demonstration ServicesGuam Early Hearing Detection & InterventionGuam Systems for Assistive TechnologyInformation Dissemination