Guam and CNMI Early Childhood Providers and Parents Engage in ASD Training
by Guam CEDDERSDr. Giacomo Vivanti from the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, begins his session on ASD on Guam, April 22.On April 22, Yolanda Gabriel, Assistant Superintendent, Guam Division of Special Education, gave opening remarks to set the stage for the Guam training sessions.On April 22, GDOE School Program Consultant, Cathy Tydingco (standing), discussed supports for students and families with ASD with the Department of Public Health and Social Services, Bisita and Karinu program providers.On April 23, Guam participants discuss “What does it look like?” in regards to the current early childhood services and supports for young children with ASD.On April 24, Dr. Vivanti discusses with parents on Guam the research on evidence-based practices for young children with ASD in inclusive preschool programs.On April 25, parents and family members from the CNMI listen attentively to Dr. Vivanti as he talks about the strategies and interventions provided during the parent session held on Saipan.On April 26, CNMI, FSM, and Palau participants take a group photo with Dr. Vivanti.On April 26, Dr. Vivanti (seated in the center) takes a group photo with representatives from CNMI, Guam CEDDERS, and the delegation from FSM and Palau who traveled to Saipan for the training. (seated L-R) Robin Palacios, CNMI Early Intervention Program Director; Kim Arnold, FSM- Pohnpei State Parent; Dr. Vivanti; Ansina Kony, FSM-Chuuk State Special Education (SpEd) Coordinator; Nora Renguul, Palau SpEd Coordinator. (standing first row L-R) Dr. Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant; Francesca Morei-Misech, Palau Parents Empowered Executive Director; Nora Pangelinan, CNMI Data Management and Compliance Program Manager; Arthur Albert, FSM National Education Assistant Secretary; Beverly Nakamura, FSM-Chuuk State SpEd Teacher; June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director. (standing back row L-R) John Bugulrow, FSM-Yap State SpEd Coordinator; Eris Wichep, FSM-Pohnpei SpEd Related Service Specialist.Community Services: TrainingEarly ChildhoodGuam Department of EducationGuam Early Intervention SystemGuam LaunchProject Bisita I FamiliaProject Kariñu