Guam EHDI Initial Screening Quality Improvement Team Meeting
by Guam CEDDERSGUAM EHDI staff facilitated an Initial Screening Quality Improvement Team Meeting with representatives from the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) and Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) at the GMHA Boardroom on August 25. Modifications were made to the initial screening processing protocol during the meeting. Participating in the meeting were (L-R): Pat Mantanona, GEIS Program Coordinator; Melinda Treltas, RN, GEIS Nurse; Maravic Guiao, RN, GMHA OB Ward Nurse Supervisor; JJ Mendiola, Guam CEDDERS Data Interoperability Manager; and Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate. Also attending the meeting was Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director.Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention