GSAT, Guam EHDI, and Project Fitme Attend the Head Start Transition Conference

Developmental Disabilities Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
May 13, 2019. The Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT), Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project, and Guam Positive Parents Together, Inc. (GPPT) partnered to disseminate information on their respective programs during the 2019 Head Start Transition Conference at the Dusit Thani Guam Resort. The conference provided opportunities for sharing ideas and strategies with Head Start families as they prepare their children for transition into kindergarten. Pictured L-R: Ann Marie Cruz, Board President, GPPT; Shawni Acfalle, GSAT Center Assistant; Leah Abelon, CEDDERS Research Associate; and Tanya Simer, CEDDERS Research Associate.

EPICS Scholars Discuss End of Year 4 Activities

EPICS Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation
May 8, 2019: The Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Pathology (EPICS) Project, which allows Guam and CNMI Scholars to be enrolled in San José State University’s (SJSU) graduate program in Speech Language Pathology through online and on-site classes, is ending the fourth year of the project. Gloria Weddington, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, SJSU Professor Emerita and EPICS Project Coordinator, was on Guam from May 7-13 to meet with various stakeholders regarding program and student status in addition to Year 5 plans and activities. Dr. Weddington also met with 15 of the Guam Scholars, nine of which are scheduled to complete an eight-week externship in San José, California starting on June 10. Also attending the meeting were Keokia Mendiola, MA, CCC-SLP, and SJSU Clinical Supervisor and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS EPICS Consultant/Guam on-site Liaison.
May 9, 2019: EPCIS representatives met with officials from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island (CNMI) Public School System (PSS) Special Education Program to discuss program and scholar status along with events and activities being planned for Year 5 of the project. Attending the meeting were Front Row (L-R): Keokia Mendiola, MA, CCC-SLP, SJSU Clinical Supervisor. Back Row (L-R): Donna Flores, CNMI PSS Special Education Program Personnel and Compliance Monitor Program Manager; Gloria Weddington, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Professor Emerita and EPICS Project Coordinator; Nora Pangelinan, CNMI PSS Special Education Data Management & Compliance Program Manager; Suzanne Lizama, CNMI PSS Special Education Program Director; and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS EPICS Consultant/On-Site Liaison.
May 9, 2019: The Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Pathology (EPICS) Project, which allows Guam and CNMI Scholars to be enrolled in San José State University’s (SJSU) graduate program in Speech Language Pathology through online and on-site classes, is ending the fourth year of the project. Gloria Weddington, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, SJSU Professor Emerita and EPICS Project Coordinator, met with CNMI scholars on Saipan to discuss current project status, upcoming summer practicum placement, and courses for the final year of the program. Joining Dr. Weddington in the meeting were Keokia Mendiola, MA, CCC-SLP, SJSU Clinical Supervisor and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS EPICS Consultant/On-site Liaison. Shown in the photo are: (L-R): Keokia Mendiola, Tricia Taitano, Ignacio Dela Cruz, Dr. Weddington, and Cathy Ruszala. Not shown: Terrie Fejarang.
May 10, 2019: (L-R): Sybil Crisostomo, CCC-SLP, Speech Pathologist at Guam Regional Medical City and Dr. Weddington, also met to discuss EPICS Project activities and upcoming events. Not Shown: Terrie Fejarang.
May 12, 2019: Dr. Weddington, Keokia Mendiola, and Terrie Fejarang met with Jon Fernandez, Superintendent of the Guam Department of Education. The timeline for the final year of the EPICS Project was discussed, along with some of the challenges encountered by the scholars with regard to earning practicum hours. Superintendent Fernandez expressed his support in exploring possible solutions and is looking forward to graduation and the day the scholars would be available to put their skills directly to work to meet the needs of the children of the school district.
May 8, 2019: (L-R) Robin Malicsi, Guam Department of Education Speech Clinician, met with Dr. Gloria Weddington to discuss her next steps for completing SJSU’s Master’s Degree program requirements.

Guam and CNMI Early Childhood Providers and Parents Engage in ASD Training

Community Services: Training Early Childhood Guam Department of Education Guam Early Intervention System Guam Launch Project Bisita I Familia Project Kariñu
Dr. Giacomo Vivanti from the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, begins his session on ASD on Guam, April 22.
On April 22, Yolanda Gabriel, Assistant Superintendent, Guam Division of Special Education, gave opening remarks to set the stage for the Guam training sessions.
On April 22, GDOE School Program Consultant, Cathy Tydingco (standing), discussed supports for students and families with ASD with the Department of Public Health and Social Services, Bisita and Karinu program providers.
On April 23, Guam participants discuss “What does it look like?” in regards to the current early childhood services and supports for young children with ASD.
On April 24, Dr. Vivanti discusses with parents on Guam the research on evidence-based practices for young children with ASD in inclusive preschool programs.
On April 25, parents and family members from the CNMI listen attentively to Dr. Vivanti as he talks about the strategies and interventions provided during the parent session held on Saipan.
On April 26, CNMI, FSM, and Palau participants take a group photo with Dr. Vivanti.
On April 26, Dr. Vivanti (seated in the center) takes a group photo with representatives from CNMI, Guam CEDDERS, and the delegation from FSM and Palau who traveled to Saipan for the training. (seated L-R) Robin Palacios, CNMI Early Intervention Program Director; Kim Arnold, FSM- Pohnpei State Parent; Dr. Vivanti; Ansina Kony, FSM-Chuuk State Special Education (SpEd) Coordinator; Nora Renguul, Palau SpEd Coordinator. (standing first row L-R) Dr. Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant; Francesca Morei-Misech, Palau Parents Empowered Executive Director; Nora Pangelinan, CNMI Data Management and Compliance Program Manager; Arthur Albert, FSM National Education Assistant Secretary; Beverly Nakamura, FSM-Chuuk State SpEd Teacher; June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director. (standing back row L-R) John Bugulrow, FSM-Yap State SpEd Coordinator; Eris Wichep, FSM-Pohnpei SpEd Related Service Specialist.

Self-Advocates Participate in Stakeholder Input Session

CEDDERS CORE Developmental Disabilities Self-Advocacy
April 11, 2019: Guam CEDDERS facilitated a stakeholder input session with self-advocates and family advocates/personal care assistants to provide input on the progress of services and supports as outlined in the Tri-Agencies Five-Year-Work Plan at the Pacific Star Resort and Spa. Mary Kidd, Guam CEDDERS Consultant (sitting center), utilized the World Cafe process to enable participants to focus on specific topics and share feedback on assistive technology, public awareness, and self-advocacy.

Guam CEDDERS facilitates Stakeholder Input Session with Service Providers

CEDDERS CORE Information Dissemination Self-Advocacy
April 9, 2019: Guam CEDDERS facilitated a stakeholder input session with several government agencies and advocacy groups to provide input on the progress of services and supports as outlined in the Tri-Agencies Five-Year-Work Plan at the Pacific Star Resort and Spa. Mary Kidd, Guam CEDDERS Consultant, utilized the World Cafe process to enable participants to focus on specific topics and share feedback on assistive technology, public awareness, and self-advocacy.

Service Providers Complete Positive Solutions for Families Training

CEDDERS CORE Community Services: Training Department of Public Health & Social Services
April 4, 2019: Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, facilitated training using the Center for Social and Emotional Foundations in Early Learning – Positive Solutions for Families Module for service providers from the Department of Public Health and Social Services Karinu and Manelu, Inc. Micronesian Resource Center One Stop Shop (MRCOSS). The modules, which were recently modified to ensure cultural appropriateness, include six sessions on how to deal with challenging behaviors with young children.

GPPT/Project Fitme Participates in Head Start Fitness Fair

Early Childhood Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
March 30, 2019: (L-R) Kunta Kinte Edmond, UOG Social Work Intern, Bobbie Afjelle and Ashley Babauta, Guam Positive Parents Together, Inc. (GPPT) Project Fitme Deaf/Hard of Hearing Parent Support Group, provided information to parents on early hearing screening and deaf/hard of hearing during the 2019 Guam Head Start Program Fitness Fair held at the Dededo Sport Complex.
March 30, 2019: Kunta Kinte Edmond, UOG Social Work Intern, plays the “Simon Says, Exercise!” Fitness Game with the children during the 2019 Guam Head Start Program Fitness Fair at the Dededo Sports Complex. The children had the opportunity to have fun while exercising.

Village Play Time Held at the Agaña Heights Community Center

Early Childhood Guam Department of Education Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
March 29, 2019: Kunta Edmond (left), UOG Social Work Intern, and Bobbie Afjelle, Guam’s Positive Parent’s Together, Inc. (GPPT), Support Staff (right), demonstrate a motor skills activity using common household items with parents and their children during the Village Play Time event held at the Agaña Heights Community Center. This activity helps children strengthen fine motor skills by pouring, transferring, and matching items.
March 29, 2019: Staff from the Department of Education Early Childhood Preschool program read aloud “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss with the children and parents during story time at the Village Play Time event held at the Agaña Heights Community Center. This event allows children to participate in developmentally appropriate activities with their parents.
March 29, 2019: Kunta Kinte Edmond (left with back to camera), UOG Social Work Intern, Bobbie Afjella (middle), Guam Positive Parents Together, Inc., and Tanya Simer, CEDDERS Hearing Screening Paraprofessional, use recyclable household products to demonstrate an activity with a parent and her child during the Village Play Time event held at the Agana Heights Community Center. The Village Play Time event gives parents and young children the opportunity to interact with others as well as learn about different developmentally appropriate activities that can be done at home.
March 29, 2019: Staff from the Department of Education Early Childhood Special Education Preschool program read aloud “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss to children and parents during story time at the Village Play Time event held at the Agana Heights Community Center. This event allows children to participate in developmentally appropriate activities with their parents.

Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary Presented at NASW Guam Conference

CEDDERS CORE Continuing Education Developmental Disabilities Disability Studies Research and Evaluation
Mariles Benavente, LCSW, LPC, and former Guam CEDDERS Cultural and Linguistic Competence Coordinator, conducted a breakout session titled, “The Behavioral Health Glossary in Chamorro: a Practical Tool towards Health Literacy and Patient-Centered Care” during the recent Guam Chapter of the National Association of Social Work Conference on March 17, 2019 held at the Westin Resort Guam. The glossary was developed to promote the importance of using interpreters, translators, and language products, such as this glossary, to improve access and use of behavioral health and disabilities services by the island’s linguistically diverse population. Ms. Benavente served as the editor of the glossary which was published in 2017 by Guam CEDDERS. A copy of the Glossary was given to the over 40 participants who attended the session. For an electronic copy of the glossary, go to