EHDI Delivers DAE Toolkits to GDOE-GEIS

Guam Department of Education Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Early Intervention System Information Dissemination
February 15, 2019: Guam Department of Education Guam Early Intervention System (GDOE – GEIS) staff received ten Diagnostic Audiological Evaluation (DAE) Toolkits for infants referred for a DAE from Guam EHDI staff. Toolkits include materials to assist families to prepare for the infant’s diagnostic audiological evaluation. Pictured from left to right; Tanya Simer, Guam EHDI Hearing Screening Paraprofessional, and Nacrina Atoigue, Secretary, GDOE – GEIS. Not shown: EDLynn Beyond, Guam CEDDERS Student Office Assistant.

CA-LEND ZIKV Cohort 2 Prep for Case Conference Video Call

February 13, 2019: The CA-LEND ZIKV Cohort 2 participants met to prepare for a case conference video call on Genetics with cohort members in CNMI and American Samoa and faculty at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). UOG CEDDERS, through a sub-award from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), is currently facilitating the second cohort of the California Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (CA-LEND) Health Professional Support Program for Children with Congenital Zika Virus (ZIKV) Infection in American Samoa and the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Basin.
(Second from left) Vera Blaz, CEDDERS Training Associate and CA-LEND ZIKV Training Coordinator, talks about upcoming activities with cohort members.
Pictured (l to r): Tanya Simer, Hearing Screening Paraprofessional, CEDDERS; Vera Blaz, CEDDERS Training Associate and CA-LEND ZIKV Training Coordinator; EDLynn Beyond, CEDDERS Student Office Assistant and currently a student in the University of Guam Master of Public Administration Program; Jenesse Quan and Isabella Fagota, Social Workers, Karinu, Department of Public Health and Social Services.

Guam EHDI Participates in Call with Regional EHDI Teams

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
February 13, 2019: The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project participated in a call with the EHDI Program coordinators from American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Hawaii, the Marshall Islands, and Palau to discuss the agenda and process of the upcoming Territories Meeting scheduled for March 2 before the Annual EHDI Conference in Chicago. Shown in this screen shot are (L-R) Sheilla Marie Deray, Newborn Screener and Family Support Coordinator, and Angie Mister, CCC-A, CNMI EHDI Coordinator, who facilitated the meeting.

Project Fitme D/HH Parent Support Group and Guam EHDI Team Meet to Prepare for “Fieldtrip”

CEDDERS CORE Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
February 9, 2019: Parents of children who are deaf/hard of hearing and Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) staff and service providers, met in preparation for their upcoming site visit with the Parent and Professional Collaborative in Greensboro, North Carolina. The team will be attending a conference to help parents through their emotional journey and to improve their cultural communication. The team will also be visiting several programs in the area that provide an array of services to children who are D/HH and their families. Pictured from left to right: Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate; Susan Dugan, GPPT Project Fitme Coordinator; Cathy Tydingco, School Program Coordinator, Guam Department of Education; Terrie Fejarang Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; Trisha Suzuki, Parent Mentor; Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Evelyn Topasna, Parent Mentor; Tanya Simer, Guam CEDDERS Hearing Screening Paraprofessional; Ann Marie Cruz, GPPT Board President; and Jecilla Cruz, Self-Advocate and daughter of Ann Marie Cruz.

EPICS Clinical Practicum in Guam DOE Schools to Start Soon

EPICS Guam Department of Education
February 6, 2019: The Guam-based scholars in the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Pathology (EPICS) San Jose State University graduate program in Speech Language Pathology will be starting their practicum in Guam Department of Education Schools by the third week of February. Natasha Dela Cruz, Principal at MU Lujan Elementary School in Yona, met with Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director and EPICS on site Liaison, to discuss the latest project updates in preparation for the start of practicum. Ms. Dela Cruz is shown here signing consent forms to be sent to and signed by parents to give permission to the scholars to work with their child under the supervision of the licensed speech pathologist assigned to the school.
February 6, 2019: (L-R): Amalia Badua, Guam DOE Speech Therapist assigned to Agana Heights Elementary School (AHES); Hannah Gutierrez, Principal, AHES; and Meagan Terlaje, AHES Teacher and EPICS Scholar are excited about the anticipated start of student practicum by the end of the month.
February 7, 2019: (L-R): Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director and EPICS Project On-Site Liaison, met with Nancy Diaz, Principal, P.C. Lujan Elementary School, to facilitate the beginning of student practicum for the EPICS scholars.
February 7, 2019: Evangeline Iglesias, Principal, Wettengel Elementary School, signs off on documents to facilitate the student practicum process for EPICS scholars.

UOG Social Work Faculty Visit Guam CEDDERS

CEDDERS CORE Information Dissemination
February 4: Lisa Linda Natividad, Ph.D., and Tricia Lizama, Ph.D, UOG Social Work faculty, visited Guam CEDDERS to discuss the inclusion of a breakout session entitled, “The Behavioral Health Glossary in CHamoru: A Practical Tool Towards Health Literacy and Patient-Centered Care” during the upcoming National Association of Social Workers – Guam Chapter Annual Conference scheduled for March 18-19, 2019 at the Westin Resort Guam. Mariles Benavente, LCSW, and retired Guam CEDDERS Cultural and Linguistic Competence Coordinator, the editor of the Glossary, will be the lead presenter of the session. (L-R) Dr. Natividad and Dr. Lizama are shown holding copies of the Glossary.

GPPT/Project Fitme and Guam EHDI Participate at the Lion’s Club Health Fair

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Information Dissemination
February 02, 2019: The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project Fitme and Guam’s Positive Parents Together (GPPT) participated in the Lion’s Club Health Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. Guam EHDI and GPPT shared information about initial hearing screening for newborns and parent supports available to families of children identified with a hearing loss. Pictured at the event were (standing, L-R): Ashley Babauta, GPPT/Project Fitme Support Staff ; Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate; and Bobbie Aflleje, GPPT/Project Fitme Support Staff.
February 02, 2019: the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) participated in the Lion’s Club Health Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. Pictured at the event is Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator.

EHDI Brochures Delivered to Pediatric Clinic and DPHSS

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
Jan. 25, 2019: The Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project provided copies of the Guam EHDI brochures to pediatric clinics. These publications promote the importance of newborn hearing screening, early detection and intervention services. Pictured from left to right: Tanya Simer, Guam EHDI Staff, and Dr. Yolanda Carrera, Pediatrican.
Guam EHDI brochures were also provided to Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), Bureau of Social Services Administration (BOSSA). Pictured from left to right: Tanya Simer, Guam EHDI Staff, and Mari Blas, BOSSA Social Worker.

Family Visits GSAT Model Home

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
January 24, 2019: The Riate Family visited the GSAT Model Home, which helped them learn more about assistive technology. The Riates borrowed the Weighted Shawl and Puppy Hugs assistive devices. The Weighted Shawl and Puppy Hugs are weighted sensory products that aid with sensory processing by providing deep pressure information to joints and muscles, which help individuals feel relaxed and calm. (Pictured L-R: Joseph, Asuncion, and Simon Riate)

“Introduction to Deaf and Hard of Hearing” Training Held for Parents and Family Members

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention

January 19, 2019: Renee Koffend, AuD, CCC-A, facilitated a Parent Leadership Training on “Introduction to Deaf and Hard of Hearing” for parents and family members at Guam Hearing Doctors. The training focused on the causes of hearing loss, available hearing technology and other forms of communication, the purpose and importance of the hearing booth, and how to read an audiogram which shows the type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss.
(Pictured from left to right) Front Row: Milo Roberts, Jamae Quenga, Mila Nicole Quenga. Dr. Renee Koffend, and Evelyn Topasna.
Back Row: Bobbie Aflleje, Project FitMe Staff; Ivan Babauta, ASL Community Interpreter; Nathan Manibusan, ASL Community Interpreter; Susan Dugan, Project FitMe Coordinator; Caleb and Trisha Suzuki.