Nursing Students Visits GSAT

Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, demonstrated Assistive Technology devices to 5 seniors from the University of Guam School of Nursing & Health Services on November 1.  Resources gathered will be shared with classmates in the Community Health Nursing course taught by Karen Cruz, RN, MPH.
Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, demonstrated Assistive Technology devices to 5 seniors from the University of Guam School of Nursing & Health Services on November 1. Resources gathered will be shared with classmates in the Community Health Nursing course taught by Karen Cruz, RN, MPH.

EPICS Scholars Meeting

Community Services: Model Services
Scholars participating in the EPICS (Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech Language Pathology) Project attended a “Meet and Greet” event on November 6.  This was the first opportunity for Guam-based scholars to meet face-to-face and also discuss issues with program faculty.  
The EPICS Project is a Special Education Personnel Preparation Project based at San Jose State University, in collaboration with Guam CEDDERS.  Participants, referred to as “scholars,” who come from American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam, were selected to work towards a Masters Degree in Speech & Language Pathology primarily through an online format.
EPICS scholars listen intently and take notes during the "Meet and Greet" held on November 6 at the GSAT Center.
EPICS scholars listen intently and take notes during the “Meet and Greet” held on November 6 at the GSAT Center.
Dr. Wendy Quach, San Jose State University faculty and EPICS Co-PI is shown at the top of this screen shot in WebEx responding to a question.  Also shown are (clockwise middle left): Dr. Quach, Dr. Weddington (partially hidden), Kathy Ruzala, Tricia Taitano, and Diane Sapida.
Dr. Wendy Quach, San Jose State University faculty and EPICS Co-PI is shown at the top of this screen shot in WebEx responding to a question. Also shown are (clockwise middle left): Dr. Quach, Dr. Weddington (partially hidden), Kathy Ruzala, Tricia Taitano, and Diane Sapida.
EPICS scholars who attended the on-site “Meet and Greet” included:  Seated L-R:  Megan Merfalen, Tatiana Perez, Lisa Eclavea, Aileen Serrano, and Camille Gonzales.  Standing L-R:  Joseph Mendiola, John Payne, Christina Coles, Meagan Terlaje, Gabrielle Duenas, Diane Sapida, Lillian Reyes, Cassandra Dimla, Bobbie Obillo, and Arthur Abuda.  Scholars also attending the meeting via WebEx were Jasmine Advani-Guam, David Gardner – American Samoa, and from the CNMI – Ignacio Dela Cruz, Kathy Ruszala, and Tricia Taitano.   San Jose State University faculty included Dr. Wendy Quach and Dr. Gloria Weddington.  Terrie Fejarang from Guam CEDDERS facilitated the event.
EPICS scholars who attended the on-site “Meet and Greet” included: Seated L-R: Megan Merfalen, Tatiana Perez, Lisa Eclavea, Aileen Serrano, and Camille Gonzales. Standing L-R: Joseph Mendiola, John Payne, Christina Coles, Meagan Terlaje, Gabrielle Duenas, Diane Sapida, Lillian Reyes, Cassandra Dimla, Bobbie Obillo, and Arthur Abuda. Scholars also attending the meeting via WebEx were Jasmine Advani-Guam, David Gabriel – American Samoa, and from the CNMI – Ignacio Dela Cruz, Kathy Ruszala, and Tricia Taitano. San Jose State University faculty included Dr. Wendy Quach and Dr. Gloria Weddington. Terrie Fejarang from Guam CEDDERS facilitated the event.

Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) IEP Training 101

Community Services: Training

PEP Flyer

IEP Training 101

Thursday, November 17, 2016
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
PEP Conference Room
5th Floor, GCIC Bldg. in Hagatna

A child’s IEP is a document that maps out his/her yearly success.

  • Is your child’s IEP addressing your child’s unique needs ?
  • IEP Training 101 is the first step in learning how to be your child’s IEP advocate.
  • Parents, educators, and professionals are all invited to attend this training to learn more about the IEP process.

Contact PEP today to register in advance. Space is limited.

This training will be provided by:
Parents Empowering Parents Pacific Parent Training & Information Center

PEP is a non-profit disability organization that provides training, advocacy & support services to parents & family members of children with disabilities, youth with disabilities, and the educators & professionals who serve them.

How to Contact Us:

Phone: (671) 685-7371 (PEP1)
Facebook: PEP Talk Disabilities

ELAN: Stakeholder Input Session

Community Services: Training
On October 19, a Community Workshop was held at the Pagachao Community Center in Agat. The workshop mission was “For Children to reach their 1st birthday and beyond.” This workshop was sponsored through collaborative partnership with Micronesian Resource Center, the Guam Early Learning Council, and the Department of Public Health and Social Services.
On October 19, a Community Workshop was held at the Pagachao Community Center in Agat. The workshop mission was “For Children to reach their 1st birthday and beyond.” This workshop was sponsored through collaborative partnership with Micronesian Resource Center, the Guam Early Learning Council, and the Department of Public Health and Social Services.

CNMI Technical Assistant Visit

Community Services: Technical Assistance

On October 27, Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant, provided training and technical assistance on family coaching and strategies for documenting progress monitoring with the CNMI Part C SSIP Core Team.  The team also reviewed the child outcome data of the Part C SSIP - State Improvement Measurable Results (SiMR).
On October 27, Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant, provided training and technical assistance on family coaching and strategies for documenting progress monitoring with the CNMI Part C SSIP Core Team. The team also reviewed the child outcome data of the Part C SSIP – State Improvement Measurable Results (SiMR).
October 28, 2016, Ms. Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant, conducted a presentation with the Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) staff to on the early childhood outcome measurement process.  In addition, ECSE staff had the opportunity to review the child outcome data with specific data on length of service, age at entry, types of disabilities reports that will be used to analyze and report on the Annual Performance Report Part B Indicator 7.
October 28, 2016, Ms. Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Consultant, conducted a presentation with the Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) staff to on the early childhood outcome measurement process. In addition, ECSE staff had the opportunity to review the child outcome data with specific data on length of service, age at entry, types of disabilities reports that will be used to analyze and report on the Annual Performance Report Part B Indicator 7.

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair

Community Services: Model Services Uncategorized

Vera Blaz, CEDDERS Training Associate (left) shares information on the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) with parents of young children to determine the developmental status of their child across five developmental areas: communication, gross motor, problem solving, fine motor, and personal-social during the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair at the Micronesia Mall on October 29.
Vera Blaz, CEDDERS Training Associate (left) shares information on the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) with parents of young children to determine the developmental status of their child across five developmental areas: communication, gross motor, problem solving, fine motor, and personal-social during the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair at the Micronesia Mall on October 29.
Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate (seated at right), Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate (seated partially hidden), and Brittany Hipple, UOG Practicum Student (seated in the background), provide information on the milestones of hearing and speech in early development to mothers during the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair on October 29 at the Micronesia Mall.
Christina Jung, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate (seated at right), Marie Wusstig, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate (seated partially hidden), and Brittany Hipple, UOG Practicum Student (seated in the background), provide information on the milestones of hearing and speech in early development to mothers during the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fair on October 29 at the Micronesia Mall.