Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) and Professional Development Training

Community Services: Training Guam Department of Education Guam Early Intervention System

Elaine Eclavea, Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant, conducted the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) and Professional Development Training to GEIS staff on August 16.  Service Providers and Service Coordinators participated in the full-day training which focused on the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Plans, Evidence-Based Practices, and Early Childhood Coaching.

Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant Elaine Eclavea (standing) interacts with the GEIS service coordinators and providers during the Early Childhood Coaching portion of the training.

GDOE’s Continuous Improvement Road Map for Improving Reading Achievement

Community Services: Training Continuing Education Guam Department of Education
Chief Brodie Memorial Elementary School 1st grade teachers practice administering the aimswebPlus Early Literacy measures.
Capt. H.B. Price Elementary, 1st grade teacher and aimswebPlus trainer, Leilani Mesa (standing) assists participants in using the aimswebPlus assessment system.
(L-R) First grade teachers from M.U. Lujan Elementary, Bertha Torres and Ursula Umadhay, observe fellow colleagues as they practice administering the aimwebPlus.
J.M. Guerrero kindergarten teacher and aimswebPlus trainer Kasuandra Penaflor (standing) guides participants as they practice navigating the aimswebPlus online portal.

GSAT and Guam EHDI attend the Guam Federation of Teachers Fair

Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Information Dissemination
August 10, 2019: Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, and Tanya Simer, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate, demonstrate the features of the various Assistive Technology devices to Mara Wusstig, Teacher at the Guam Department of Education, during the Annual Guam Federation of Teachers’ Health Fair at the Guam Premier Outlets.
August 10, 2019: Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS, Research Associate and Tanya Simer, Guam CEDDERS, Research Associate, provided information about the importance of newborn hearing screening, developmental milestones and other resources for persons with disabilities to a parent during the Guam Federation of Teachers’ the 6th Annual Health Fair at the Guam Premium Outlet. Not pictured Bobbie Afjelle, Guam Positive Parents Together Inc. (GPPT) Project Fitme Support Staff provided information on the parent support group available for families of children identified with a hearing loss.

First Group of Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech (EPICS) Scholars Complete Externship in San José, CA

EPICS Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation

August 3, 2019: As part of the requirements in their graduate program in speech language pathology at San José State University, nine Guam-based EPICS scholars completed their externship at various sites in the San José, California area. The second cohort of 10 scholars will be placed in an externship in the same area next summer.

EPICS Scholars John Payne, Lilly Reyes, and Lisa Eclavea were placed at the Learn Speech Therapy Clinic in Gilroy, California. Shown with their Externship Supervisors are (L-R): John Payne; Lily Reyes; Dawn Hansen, CCC-SLP; Lisa Eclavea; and Lynzy Melzer, CCC-SLP.
Asha Advani, EPICS Scholars recently completed her externship at the Rite Care Childhood Language Center in San José, California as part of the Educating Pacific Island Clinicians in Speech (EPICS) Project requirements. Shown in this photo are (L-R): Rachel Sense, CCC-SLP and Karen Wong, CCC-SLP, Externship Practicum Supervisors, and Asha Advani.
Cassandra Dimla, EPICS Scholar, (right) completed her externship at the Integrated Intervention for Children with Autism Clinic in San José, CA. At right is Tayler Kina, CCC-SLP, her Externship Supervisor.
Aileen Serrano, EPICS Scholars, (Left) is shown here with
Uduak Osom, CCC-SLP, her Externship Supervisor at the Innovative Therapy Services Clinic in Santa Clara, CA.

Not shown:  Christina Coles, EPICS Scholar and Externship Supervisor Nadia Naval, CCC-SLP at the Innovative Therapy Services Clinic and Dianne Supida, EPCIS Scholar and Nikki Sedaghat, CCC-SLP, her Externship Supervisor at Integrated Intervention for Children with Autism Clinic.

Guam EHDI Met with GPPT on Future Training Activities

Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
On August 2, Guam’s Positive Parents Together (GPPT) Board President Ann Marie Cruz (left) and GPPT Parent Mentor Evelyn Topasna (right) met with Marie Wusstig (center), Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, to discuss the facilitation of training opportunities for families to develop their self-advocacy skills, the recruitment of potential deaf mentors, planning for The CARE Project Family Retreat, and social activities for families of children identified with a hearing loss.

Guam EHDI Presented at WIC

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
On August 2, Guam CEDDERS staff presented information about the importance of newborn hearing screening and child developmental milestones for parents present at the Breastfeeding Promotion held at the Northern Regional Community Health Center, Dededo for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Pictured Left to Right: Marie Wusstig, Training Associate and Jenika Ballesta, Research Associate.

Farewell Luncheon Held for EPICS Scholars Completing Externship

EPICS Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation
July 21, 2019:  Guam EPICS Scholars currently completing their externships in San José, California were treated to a farewell luncheon by their San José State University professors. The externships began on June 10 and will end on August 2.Attending the event were (Seated L-R):  Dr. Carol Zepecki, Scholars Aileen Serrano, Bobbie Obillo, John Payne, Lisa Eclavea, Jasmin Advani, and Lilly Reyes.
Standing (L-R):  Dr. Jean Jackson, Dr. Donald Weddington, Gary Cramptoni, and Dr. Gloria Weddington. Scholars not shown:  Dianne Sapido, Cassandra Dimla, and Christina Coles.

GDOE Participates in OSEP Leadership Conference Poster Session

Community Services: Model Services Continuing Education Guam Department of Education

The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) in partnership with Guam CEDDERS participated in the poster session at the Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) Leadership Conference on July 22 in Washington, D.C.  The title of the poster was “It Happens in the School Building.” The poster centered on the continuous improvement efforts of the four State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) target schools as they work on increasing the reading achievement of elementary students, specifically those students with disabilities.

From L-R ront row: June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; Yolanda Gabriel, GDOE Assistant Superintendent Division of Special Education; Terese Crisostomo, GDOE School Program Consultant; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Natasha Dela Cruz, Principal, M.U. Lujan Elementary; Melissa Mafnas, Principal, J.M. Guerrero Elementary School; Laura Taisipic, GDOE School Program Consultant. From L-R Back row: Dennis Bakker, GDOE Division of Special Education Data Manager; and Charlie Kniseley, OSEP State Lead.

Palau Updates State-Wide Assessment Guidelines

Community Services: Training

Guam CEDDERS Training Associate, Josephine Cruz, and Guam CEDDERS consultant June Quitugua, provided on-site working sessions with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Palau centered on updating the guidelines for the use of state-wide and alternate assessments with students with disabilities.  The sessions were held from July 10-12 at the Special Education office in Koror, Palau. Twenty-four participants comprised of Special Education teachers, General Education teachers, principals, curriculum specialists, as well as the MOE’s Chief of the Division of Research & Evaluation, Wilhelm Rechelluul, attended the 3-day sessions.

Front L-R: Tsungiko Renguul, Special Education teacher; Jocelyn Maldangesang, Special Education Specialist; Hilda Kenzio, English Specialist; Larry Rdiall, Special Education teacher; Sarah Rubario, Special Education teacher; Yvonne Ruluked, General Education teacher; Cheryl Adachi, General Education teacher; Mayleen Ngiriou, Principal, Koror Elementary School (KES); Middle L-R: Wilhelm Rechelluul, Chief, Division of Reseach & Evaluation; Nora Renguul, Special Education Coordinator; Josephine Cruz, Guam CEDDERS Training Associate; Gwendolyn Rengiil, Special Education Specialist; Bruce Melairei, General Education teacher; Lyliza Madris, Assessment Specialist Back L-R: Wicliff Emul, Principal, GBH; Lucia Tebelual, Principal, MES; Symth Rdang, Principal, PHS; Atanacia Ubedei, KES Special Education teacher; Hadson Ngirakesau, General Education teacher; Clarinda Worswick, General Education Teacher; Hadleen Medalarak, Math Specialist. Not pictured: June Quitugua,Guam CEDDERS consultant.
Participants are hard at work reading an article. Seated, front L-R: Symth Rdang, Principal-Palau High School (PHS); Jocelyn Maldangesang, Special Education Specialist; Seated, back L-R: Hadson Ngirakesau, PHS General Education teacher; Wicliff Emul, Principal, George B. Harris Elementary School (GBH), and Virginia Kuterbis, GBH Special Education teacher.
Participants in training from L-R: Gwendolyn Rengiil, Special Education Specialist; Clarinda Worswick, GBH General Education Teacher; Tsungkiko Renguul, Meyuns Elementary School (MES) Special Education teacher; and Nora Renguul, Special Education Coordinator.