Members of the Disability Summit Planning Committee gather after meeting to discuss details for the upcoming Disability Summit scheduled for May 30, 2017. (Seated L-R) Eufemia P. Local; and Joyce Tejeresas, Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Advisory Committee Vice Chair. (Second row, L-R) Marie Libria, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC); Mary Kidd, Guam CEDDERS Consultant; and Carol Cabiles, Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center. (Back row, L-R) Leone Rohr, Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council Chairperson, Parents Empowering Parents (PEP); and Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director.(Clockwise, L-R) Eufemia P. Local; Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director; Marie Libria, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC); Joyce Tejeresas, Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) Advisory Committee Vice Chair; Leone Rohr, Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council Chairperson, Parents Empowering Parents (PEP); and Carol Cabiles, Guam Legal Services Corporation – Disability Law Center, focus on one of the proposed sessions of the agenda for the upcoming Disability Summit on May 30.