John Guiao, GSAT Grant Support Assistant (left), provided information on GSAT and Akudi Loan Program to a visitor during the Head Start Fitness Fair at the Guam Sports Complex on February 11.Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS and Project Tinituhon Training Associate (left), and John Guiao, GSAT Grant Support Assistant (right), pass out project information during the Head Start Fitness Fair held at the Guam Sports Complex on February 11.Vera Blaz, Guam CEDDERS and Project Tinituhon Training Associate (sitting) and Jenika Ballesta, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate (standing), pass out information on Project Tinituhon and Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) to visitors during the Head Start Fitness Fair at the Guam Sports Complex on February 11.