Guam EHDI Meets with GMHA Medical Records

Early Childhood Guam Early Intervention System
On September 19, 2018, Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Staff met with Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Medical Records Staff to discuss weekly data entry of infants referring on the initial hearing screening into Guam ChildLink EHDI database. Pictured Left to Right: Sera Rios, Medical Records Administrator, GMHA; Nova Naguit, Medical Records Staff, GMHA; and Joseph Mendiola, QI & Evaluation Coordinator/Evaluator & Performance
Monitor/Surveillance Supervisor, Guam EHDI. Not shown: Marie Wusstig, Project Coordinator, Guam EHDI.

GEIS Facilitates Guam Early Intervention Parent Training

Early Childhood Guam Early Intervention System
On August 23, 2018 Guam CEDDERS in collaboration with Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) facilitated the “Learning Together: Parent Training”. There were 6 parents that attended the 2-hour training entitles: Tips for Promoting Your Child’s Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs. Early Childhood Consultant, Elaine Eclavea facilitated the training. Mrs. Eclavea began the first part of the training by presenting the importance of building relationships and quality time with your child. Participants discussed in depth the five tips for encouraging your child and the how important it is for parents to practice these with your child: Tip 1: Get your child’s attention; 2) Use behavior specific language; 3) Keep it simple – avoid combining encouragement with criticism; 4) Encourage with enthusiasm; 5) Double the impact with physical warmth; and 6) Use positive comments and encouragement with your child in front of others. Participants shared stories on how to supports these 5 strategies. In addition, Ms. Eclavea discussed how children learn through PLAY and that parents need to follow the child’s lead – and wait, watch, and then join in their child’s play. The next Learning Together Parent Training is scheduled for September 6, 2018 for information please call GEIS at 300-5776.
L-R: Lorilyn Staana, Sandra Leyner, Ana Lyn Flores, Susan Dugan, & Elaine Eclavea.

Visual Impairment Supports Webinar Held August 28

Community Services: Technical Assistance Guam Department of Education Vision Impairment
Guam CEDDERS facilitated a webinar on August 28 conducted by Donna McNear, M.Ed., Vision Impairment (VI) Consultant, for Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education VI Program personnel. Attending the two-hour webinar were (L-R): Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS; Donna McNear (on screen); Darlene Taimanglo, Part B & C VI Technical Assistance (TA) Provider; Diane Artero, Part B VI TA Provider; and Tricia Taitague, VI Program Coordinator.

ROSS Program Explores GSAT Services

Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On August 28, 2018, Ronnie Santos from the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority Resident Opportunity Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Program met with Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, to explore the various Assistive Technology devices and GSAT services available for ROSS clients. The ROSS program assists the elderly and individuals with disabilities by linking these individuals to services within the community that can help sustain and maintain independent living.

Assistive Technology Device Demonstration

Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On August 28, 2018, Charles Sallinger and Irene Bustos-Sallinger visited the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) to explore Assistive Technology options for individuals with visual impairments. GSAT demonstrated the Clearview + Speech CCT, a 24″ video magnifier with color contrast and text to speech capabilities; the Eyepal ROL, a portable scanner and reader; and the Smartview Versa Portable Electronic Magnifier, a handheld electronic magnifier that magnifies up to 15x and also has color contrast features. Through the short term device loan, Mr. Sallinger borrowed the Smartview Versa portable electronic magnifier to help determine if the device will meet his needs.

GDOE School Personnel Attend SSIP Training

Early Childhood Guam Department of Education
Jalma Manglona, first grade teacher at Capt. H.B. Price Elementary School, delivers a lesson on phoneme segmentation to her 1st grade colleagues from the four SSIP schools using instructional techniques that demonstrate explicit instruction.
Valene Salas, GATE teacher, works with Aurelia Perez and Francesco Sison, fifth grade teachers at J.M. Guerrero Elementary School, to graph percentile rank-scores to determine the level of intervention for each student that requires the additional assistance.
The Chief Brodie Memorial Elementary School Team work together to increase their knowledge and skills on data literacy for improving reading instruction. (From left to right): Celeste Lizama and MaryLeah Pervez, fourth grade; Darlene Castro, Principal; Franky Indalecio, GATE; Kelly Escuadra, GDOE Cⅈ Delia Taijeron, ESL; and Joycelyn Aguon , fifth grade.
Annette Raguindin and Bertha Cruz, fifth grade teachers at M.U. Lujan Elementary School, and Joshua Blas, GDOE SSIP Project Director, review student data, analyze reading errors from students’ aimsweb Oral Reading Fluency screening results, and use the data as part of the “Plan” step of the PDSA cycle.

CEDDERS Associate Director Connects with Autism TA Provider at the National Autism Conference

Community Services: Technical Assistance Developmental Disabilities Early Childhood
June De Leon, (right), Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, conferred with Donna Miller (left), during the 22th National Autism Conference held in State College, Pennsylvania on August 6-9. Ms. Miller, a technical assistance provider focusing on autism spectrum disorders for the Pennsylvania Department of Education, conducted a presentation titled, “Home-Based Coaching with Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” during the Conference.

Guam EHDI Project Fitme & GSAT Staff Participates in Weekend Outreach Event

Early Childhood Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Information Dissemination
On Saturday, August 25, 2018, the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (Guam EHDI) Project Fitme and Guam’s Positive Parents Together (GPPT) participated in the 5th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. Guam EHDI and GPPT shared information about initial hearing screening for newborns and parent supports available to families of children identified with a hearing loss. Pictured at the event were (sitting, L-R): Susan Dugan, GPPT Project Fitme Parent Support Coordinator; and Marie Wusstig, Guam EHDI Project Coordinator. Also participating in this outreach activity were (L-R, standing) Pauline Camacho, Karinu Lead Family Partner; and Bertha Diamond, Karinu Family Partner.

On August 25, 2018, the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) and the Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (GHEDI) programs represented Guam CEDDERS at the 5th Annual Breast Feeding Awareness Health Fair. The event was hosted by the Breastfeeding Action Team of the Non-Communicable Disease Consortium under the Department of Public Health & Social Services. This year’s theme was “Breastfeeding: Foundation of Life,” which focused on the support, promotion, and protection of breastfeeding.

DISID Facilitates National Disability Employment Awareness Month Meeting

Department of Public Health & Social Services
On August 23, 2018, Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) Director Ben Servino met with community representatives to plan for the National Disability Employment Awareness Month scheduled for October. This year’s theme is “America’s Workforce: Empowering All.” The yearly event celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates the community about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents. Individuals who attended the meeting included a parent of an individual with a disability, representatives from Guam CEDDERS, National Family Caregiver Support Program, Guam State Rehabilitation Council, Developmental Disabilities Council, Guam Client Assistance Program, Department of Public Health and Social Services, ICan Resources, and Pacific Ability Resources Inc.