BIBA Dr. Heidi San Nicolas! Guam CEDDERS Founding Director Retires


On September 30, the University of Guam (UOG) recognized the greatest achievements of Heidi San Nicolas, Ph.D. After devoting more than three decades to Guam’s island community serving within the Guam Department of Education and University of Guam, Dr. San Nicolas retired from government service. Of her numerous accomplishments, most notably, Dr. San Nicolas served as the founding Director of the University of Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS, formerly known as the Guam University Affiliated Program). She led this outreach unit of the University from a satellite University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) program of the University of Hawaii to full UCEDD funding in 1995 to the University of Guam through the Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights and Assistance Act from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Through her leadership, Dr. San Nicolas leveraged funding in excess of $146,000,000 through dozens of federal grants and local/regional contracts and work requests to strengthen critical partnerships for improving the quality of programs and services for individuals with disabilities and their families. Dr. San Nicolas developed and nurtured Guam CEDDERS into a dynamic organization to continue its commitment to building bridges with partners to create strong linkages for crucial programs and services to support the overall quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families on Guam and throughout the Pacific region.

On November 25, the UOG Board of Regents passed Resolution 19-43 awarding Dr. San Nicolas Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Director status in recognition of her academic and outreach services at UOG.

Si Yu’os Ma’ase Dr. San Nicolas for your leadership and outstanding service as one of the pioneers in the field of disabilities serving Guam and the Pacific.

On September 30, (L-R) UOG President Thomas Krise and Senior Vice President Anita Enriquez presented a carved wooden plaque to Guam CEDDERS Founding Director Heidi San Nicolas.
On September 30, UOG President Thomas Krise (Left) presented a President resolution to Dr. Heidi San Nicolas during her retirement ceremony.
On September 30, Director Rachael Leon Guerrero (Left) and Grants Officier Janet Dirige of the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs presented a gift to Dr. Heidi San Nicolas on her retirement.
On September 30, Senator Amanda Shelton presented a legislative resolution to Dr. Heidi San Nicolas to celebrate her accomplishments.
On September 30, Guam CEDDERS Interim Director June De Leon (Left) and Guam CEDDERS Associate Director Michelle Aguigui (Right) presented Guam CEDDERS Founding Director Dr. Heidi San Nicolas with a retirement memento.

Senior Citizens Participate in Technology Demonstrations

Community Services: Demonstration Services Community Services: Model Services Continuing Education Developmental Disabilities Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On September 20, senior citizens at the Yona/Talofofo Senior Center posed for a photo after participating in an interactive GSAT presentation on the different assistive technology devices.
On September 26, the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) presented the various assistive technology devices available at the GSAT office to Senior Citizens at the Mangilao Senior Center. Pictured is a senior citizen who volunteered to demonstrate the use of a knee rover, an alternative to crutches mobility device that can be used by individuals recovering from foot or lower leg injury/surgery.
On November 30, the Guam Systems for Assistive Technology (GSAT) presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Sinajana Senior Citizen, Mrs. Annie Sablan, for her generous donation of a Hoyer Lift (valued at $400.00) to GSAT. Through the Assistive Technology Reutilization Program, donors are able to donate equipment to GSAT which in turn can be loaned to other individuals in need of the equipment. Pictured (L-R): Tanya Simer, Guam CEDDERS Research Associate; Leah Abelon, Guam CEDDERS GSAT Coordinator; Annie Sablan, Donor; Ken San Agustin, Sinajana Senior Center Program Coordinator.

College Students Learn About GSAT Services

Community Services: Demonstration Services Continuing Education Developmental Disabilities Disability Studies Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Information Dissemination
On September 23, Leah Abelon, GSAT Center Coordinator, conducted a presentation on GSAT services and the Akudi Loan Program to students attending the University
of Guam Social Work Program. Students also toured the Assistive Technology Demo Center and the Model Home.

Guam Early Learning Council Convenes First Meeting

Continuing Education Department of Public Health & Social Services Early Childhood Guam Early Intervention System Guam Launch Information Dissemination Project Kariñu

On September 4, the Guam Early Learning Council convened its first meeting under the new administration with Co-Chairperson Elaine Eclavea at the helm. New council members were provided with orientation in the development of the council and the timeline of early childhood initiatives on Guam. Early Childhood Program Administrators provided an overview of their respective programs as well as updates on services provided to families over the last eight months. Workgroup facilitators also reported on the status of the goals and activities for their focus areas as related to the Guam Early Childhood State Plan, which was last published in 2015. The next quarterly meeting will take place in December. Workgroup members spent the afternoon participating in the Karinu/Guam LAUNCH Early Childhood Evaluation Forum.

Members reviewed the progress of activities over the past year as well as data from the Wilder Survey used for Guam LAUNCH Evaluation reports and learned about the latest research in the Early Childhood field. Commitments on next steps and meeting dates were made to ensure that activities will continue.

On September 4, Guam Early Learning Council Workgroup Members posed for a photo at the end of the Karinu/Guam LAUNCH Early Childhood Evaluation Forum held at the Outrigger Guam Resort.
Elaine Eclavea (standing), Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant and Guam Early Learning Council Co-Chairperson, reviewed a new grant opportunity with council members.
Bonnie Brandt (standing), Guam CEDDERS Training Associate and Karinu/Guam LAUNCH Lead Evaluator, reviewed data from results of the Wilder Survey as workgroup participants looked on.
Members of the Guam Early Learning Council Family Engagement Workgroup
(FEW) showed their great collaborative skills as they erected a structure made from uncooked spaghetti noodles, rope, tape, and a marshmallow during the afternoon session. The FEW members built the tallest structure in the room at 20.25 inches.

CNMI Early Intervention Engages in Professional Development

Community Services: Technical Assistance Early Childhood
On August 28 & 29, Elaine Eclavea (standing), Guam CEDDERS Early Childhood Consultant along with Keith Villaluna (not pictured), Guam CEDDERS Data Specialist facilitated professional development trainings for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Public School System IDEA Part C, Early Intervention Program staff in Saipan. The trainings focused on the CNMI Early Intervention Coaching Procedures called the LATTE, the Tiers of Intervention (TOI), and the Child Outcome Summary (COS) and Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) data.

Guam State Rehabilitation (SRC) Outreach Committee Meet

Developmental Disabilities Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On August 27, The Guam State Rehabilitation (SRC) Outreach Committee held their work session to discuss about the Customer Satisfaction Surveys that will be going out to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Clients. In attendance were: (Standing L-R) Lourdes Ann Mesa, SRC Chairperson; Leah Abelon, Outreach Committee Chairperson; Tim Murphy, Member; Seated (L-R) Brittney Cruz, Member; and Rodney Calimlim.

Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Client Demonstration

Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
On August 27, Shawni Acfalle (standing), Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Center Assistant demonstrates the first Braille and tactile smartwatch called the Dot Watch to Rodney Calimlim (seated), an individual who is blind. The smartwatch synchronizes to your smartphone and displays caller, text messages, appointments, or notifications from various apps on your smartphone. The Dot Watch is now available for demonstration and individuals can contact the GSAT Office at 735-2490 for an appointment.

GSAT and Guam EHDI attend Breastfeeding Awareness Month Fair

Community Services: Demonstration Services Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Guam Systems for Assistive Technology Information Dissemination
On August 24, 2019, Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) participated in the 6th Annual Breast Feeding Awareness Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. GSAT shared information on various assistive technology available to assist children with communication and limited fine and gross motor skills. (Pictured L-R) Shawni Acfalle, GSAT AT Center Assistant; and Leah Abelon, GSAT Program Coordinator.
On August 24, 2019, Guam Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) and Guam Positive Parents Together (GPPT), participated in the 6th Annual Breastfeeding Awareness Fair at the Micronesia Mall Center Court. Guam EHDI and GPPT shared information about the importance of initial hearing screening for newborns and the parent support group available to assist families of children identified with a hearing loss. (Pictured L-R) Bernadine Reyes, Guam CEDDERS Office Assistant; fair participant, and Bobbie Afjelle, GPPT Support Staff.

Guam EHDI Advisory Council Held Annual Meeting

Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention
On August 20, Guam EHDI Advisory Committee held its annual meeting at the Guam Lotte Hotel. Council members from Department of Public Health & Social Services (DPHSS), Guam Department of Education (GDOE), Guam’s Positive Parents Together (GPPT), Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH), parents and siblings of children identified with a hearing loss, and Guam EHDI staff discussed and collaborated on various issues to improve early hearing detection and intervention processes for young children in our community.