Seating and Wheeled Mobility Service Training Workshop
by Guam CEDDERSA Seating and Wheeled Mobility Service Training Workshop was held at in Saipan on September 7-9. The Training was conducted by Dr. Laura Cohen (front, fifth from left), from Rehabilitation Consultants and sponsored by the Disability Network Partners (DNP) – Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Council on Developmental Disabilities, CDD- Assistive Technology Program, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Maternal Child Health, Northern Marianas Protection & Advocacy, Inc. ,and the Northern Marianas College-University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. GSAT Center Coordinator, Leah Abelon (front, second from left) attended the three-day training.
Dr. Cohen facilitated range of motion exercises and measurements for wheelchair fitting with staff from Marianas Health, Medquest, and the Guam System for Assistive Technology during the hands on application sessions held on September 9.Community Services: TrainingGuam Systems for Assistive Technology