GSAT Hosts 26th Annual Assistive Technology Fair “Leading Our 2020 Vision”
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and one of the highlights of the month is the Guam System for Assistive Technology (GSAT) Fair. This year’s theme, “Assistive Technology: Leading Our 2020 Vision,” showcased the advancements in technology and services available for the commuity. GSAT, in collaboration with the Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC) and Guam Legal Services Corporation-Disability Law Center (GLS-DLC), held the fair on March 7 at Agana Shopping Center.
The fair gave the public an opportunity to network with service providers and learn about available services and programs. There were twenty-eight vendors who participated in the fair. They included various programs from the Department of Public Health and Social Services , Guam Client Assistance Program, WestCare Pacific Islands, Office of the Public Guardian, Ross Hearing Aids, Helen Keller National Center / ICanConnect Program, Guam American Sign Language – Machanao Congregation, Guma’ Mami, Inc., Guam Department of Education Student Parent Community Engagement Project, Guam Community College Office of Accommodative Services, Autism Community Together, Department of Integrated Service for Individuals with Disabilities, Health Services of the Pacific, The Medical City, Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, Phil MD – St. Lukes Medical Center, Parents Empowering Parents, Pacific Human Resource Services Inc., and TOHGE (Transforming Guahan through Healing, Growth, & Enrichment). Vendors were given an opportunity to present brief descriptions of their agency/organization. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters were present to assist with communication for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH). AT devices and equipment were on hand for participants to try out with assistance provided by Guam CEDDERS staff.
Maria Bontogon and Rodney Calimlim, both individuals with disabilities, were available to demonstrate the devices they use to access information and help them perform activities of daily living. The fair also showcased The Guam Community College ASL students who performed songs in sign language and the “MagicMan” show with Wally Wusstig.
Si Yu’os Ma’ase to the staff, vendors, and participants who made the fair a successful event.
Highlights from the Assistive Technology Fair