GEIS Personnel Attend Orientation & Mobility Workshop

Group sitting around a table engaging in a discussion.
Donna McNear, Vision Instruction Consultant, conducted a workshop on Orientation and Mobility on January 13 for Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) social workers, teachers, service coordinators, and allied health personnel.

Ms. McNear was on island during the week of January 11-15, providing technical assistance and training to Special Education personnel under the Part B and Part C programs. This activity was facilitated by Guam CEDDERS through a contract with the Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education.

GSAT Conference and Fair Planning Committee Meeting

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
The GSAT Conference & Fair Committee held its 2nd meeting on January 12, 2016. Attending the meeting were (L-R), Carla Torres, GSAT Assistive Technology and Special Projects Coordinator;  Rudy Ignacio, Vice Chairperson;  Roy Rosario, Member at Large; Lisa Ogo, Member at Large;  Raymond Sayas, Guam Development Disabilities Council representative; Jennifer Vicente, Guam Legal Services – Disability Law Center representative; Karen Taitano Primacio (partially hidden), Agency for Human Resources Development / Workforce Investment Act representative; and Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Persons with Disabilities / Division of Vocational Rehabilitation & Division of Support Services representative; (front, L-R): Josephine Cortez; Jack Larimer, Guam Department of Education representative; and Lou Mesa, Member at Large. The Annual AT Conference is scheduled for March 4, and the Fair is scheduled for March 19, 2016.
The GSAT Conference & Fair Committee held its 2nd meeting on January 12, 2016. Attending the meeting were (L-R), Carla Torres, GSAT Assistive Technology and Special Projects Coordinator; Rudy Ignacio, Vice Chairperson; Roy Rosario, Member at Large; Lisa Ogo, Member at Large; Raymond Sayas, Guam Development Disabilities Council representative; Jennifer Vicente, Guam Legal Services – Disability Law Center representative; Karen Taitano Primacio (partially hidden), Agency for Human Resources Development / Workforce Investment Act representative; and Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Persons with Disabilities / Division of Vocational Rehabilitation & Division of Support Services representative; (front, L-R): Josephine Cortez; Jack Larimer, Guam Department of Education representative; and Lou Mesa, Member at Large. The Annual AT Conference is scheduled for March 4, and the Fair is scheduled for March 19, 2016.

Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Evaluation Workgroup Meeting

EHDI Evaluation Workgroup posing for a photo.
The Guam Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Evaluation Workgroup consisting of Guam CEDDERS staff, and parent representatives met on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 to develop an evaluation plan for the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Informational System (EHDI-IS). Attending the meeting from left to right were Elaine Eclavea, Consultant with Guam CEDDERS; Terry Naputi, Jeff Pinaula, Guam CEDDERS; Joyce Flores, Parent Representative; Ruth Leon Guerrero, Coleen Dela Cruz, Sherry Guerrero, Terrie Fejarang, JJ Mendiola, Guam CEDDERS; and Margaret Blaz, Consultant with Guam CEDDERS.

Guam Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) Meeting

Guam ICC Meeting attendees listening to a presentation.
Front standing: Elaine Eclavea, Guam Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (Guam CEDDERS) consultant, facilitated a short presentation to the Guam Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) members on the Guam Early Intervention System – Annual Performance Report (APR) and State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP). The Guam ICC is the Advisory Council for the Guam Early Intervention System and consists of parents, early childhood agencies, child care centers, physicians, and other community partners. Guam CEDDERS through a subcontract with the Guam Department of Education, provides training and technical assistance for Guam Early Intervention System.

Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council Quarterly Meeting

Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council
Individuals sitting at a long table.
Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council held its quarterly meeting on December 18 at the Lotte Hotel, Guam. Attending the meeting from left to right were Heidi San Nicolas, Guam CEDDERS Director; Lynn Tydingco, Chairperson; Jef Limtiaco (partially hidden), Guam CEDDERS; Maria Bontogon, Self-Advocate; Linda Rodriguez, Department of Public Health & Social Services; Rosanne Ada, Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GDDC) Director; Carol Cabiles, Guam Legal Services Disability Law Center; Josie Guerrero (partially hidden), Parent; and Yolanda Gabriel, Assistant Superintendent, Special Education. Pictured in the background is June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director. In attendance but not shown: Terrie Fejarang, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, and Keith Villaluna, Guam CEDDERS Data Coordinator.

OSEP Pacific Meeting Held on Guam


Guam CEDDERS served as a key collaborator during the December 7-11, 2015 USDOE Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Pacific Meeting held at the University of Guam (UOG) and Hilton. Close to 150 education and early intervention teams from the six Pacific entities of American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Guam, Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI), and Republic of Palau (ROP) attended the activities. For more information, check the upcoming December issue of I Tellai.

OSEP Pacific Meeting attendees group photo.
On Monday, December 7th, over 60 entity team members from American Samoa, CNMI, FSM, Guam, RMI, and ROP engaged in the first day of the week-long OSEP Pacific Meeting at the UOG.
Group of people standing with the Governor of Guam.
United States Department of Education (USDOE) Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) staff and OSEP-funded National Center consultants had an opportunity to meet with the Governor of Guam, Honorable Eddie Calvo and Guam Senator Nerissa Underwood during the December 9th evening reception hosted by the Guam Department of Education, Division of Special Education at the Government House. Pictured L-R: Charles Kniseley, OSEP; Luis Romero, IDEA Data Center (IDC); Evelyn Shaw, Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA); Jane Nell Luster, Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID); Genee Norbert, OSEP; Kristin Reedy, National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI); Senator Nerissa Underwood; Governor Eddie Calvo; Yolanda Gabriel, Guam DOE, Division of Special Education; Taletha Derrington, NCSI/DaSy; Bill Huennekens, CIID; Anthea Brady, CIID; and Cesar D’Agord, NCSI.
Individual making a speech.
On behalf of the Pacific entities, Arthur Albert (pictured left), FSM Chief of Special Education Division, expresses appreciation of the technical support provided by OSEP and OSEP-funded Centers and Guam CEDDERS during the week-long Pacific meeting. L-R: Arthur Albert standing with his counterparts from CNMI-Suzanne Lizama, RMI-Frank Horuichi, and ROP-Helen Sengebau.

NCSC AA-AAS System: Improving Educational Results for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Community Services: Technical Assistance Uncategorized

Guam CEDDERS continues to provide technical support to Guam Department of Education and CNMI Public School System in their efforts to improve educational results for students with significant cognitive disabilities requiring an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS). Since 2010, Guam and CNMI have been active members of the National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) Project, a USDOE Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)-funded project led by five centers and 24 states, inclusive of Guam and CNMI as members of the Pacific Assessment Consortium (PAC6).

5 individuals sitting around a table.
During the October 29 session, Thelma Cing (speaking), CNMI Special Education Teacher, shares how she uses the NCSC instructional resources in the classroom.
Room full of participants sitting around tables.
June De Leon, Guam CEDDERS Associate Director, gestures to participants during her October 29th presentation of CNMI’s Spring 2015 NCSC AA-AAS participation and performance results.

GSAT Conference & Fair Planning Committee Meeting

Guam Systems for Assistive Technology
Group of people sitting around a table having a meeting.
The GSAT Conference & Fair Committee held a meeting on December 1, 2015 to discuss plans for the upcoming AT Fair and Conference. Attendees included, (starting bottom left, clockwise) Nichol Tanaka Napoleon, Guam Department of Education representative; Barbara Johnson, GSAT Chairperson; Josephine Cortez; Carla Torres, GSAT Assistive Technology and Special Projects Coordinator, Kirsten Bamba, Sign Language Interpreter, Jennifer Vicente, Guam Legal Services – Disability Law Center representative; Lou Mesa, Member at Large; Raymond Sayas, Guam Development Disabilities Council representative, Karen Taitano Primacio, Agency for Human Resources Development / Workforce Investment Act representative. Also attending was Ben Servino, Department of Integrated Services for Persons with Disabilities / Division of Vocational Rehabilitation & Division of Support Services representative. The Annual AT Conference is scheduled for March 11, and the Fair is scheduled for March 19.